Liquid Nicotine Wholesale Vanilla Ice Cream


Setup: Goon LP, 25g SS316L dual parallel 0.1 ohms, 99.9w, full cotton wicks

Testing: Liquid Nicotine Wholesalers Vanilla Ice Cream @5%, steeped for 8 days

Flavor Description: Nice vanilla flavor, maybe a bit closer to pudding than ice cream. The mouthfeel is nice and thick. This is the best diketone free vanilla cream I have ever tried. I don't get any of the off-flavors I normally detect in diketone free concentrates. This won't replace my TFA VBIC, but it will certainly get some use!

Off-flavors: surprisingly none!

Throat Hit: none to speak of.

Uses & Pairings: the vanilla is pretty strong here so i would stick to vanilla pairings like "basically everything". 5% seems like a great starting point for a main flavor, but i could see less being used as a vanilla accent, and maybe a bit of thickness.

Notes: LNW was kind enough to offer me a 75% off coupon so that i may review their entire line. All 17 of the flavors i didn't have arrived today, so expect 17 more LNW reviews in the future as my time allows. I emailed them about the MSDS for each flavor so that i may include them with the reviews (for all you anti-diketone people and science nerds). I promise to keep my reviews as objective as humanly possible.

Second Opinions: still not a one.

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