Liquid Barn Bakers Touch


Percentage Used: 9%


Equipment Used: Troll 2 RDA with a single Kanthal .2 ohm Bird's Nest coil (Kernel 24GA*3+26GA= Wrapped 32GA) at 27W, full cotton wick.


PG/VG: 30/70


Manufacturer's Description: Bakers Touch is a full flavor danish style dessert: a cinnamon streusel yellow cake a la mode. Suggested Mix Percentage: 9%


Steep Time: 25 Days. I did try it at 1 week, but it shows a significant difference with the longer steep. Although good, it is worth waiting for, the flavor really deepens.


Aroma: Pastry, cake, cream, cinnamon, icing.


Flavor Description: This is a rich and full bodied danish pastry. Authentic flavor, buttery densely packed layers of pastry that is topped with heavy cream and drizzled with cinnamon sugar. Most prominant flavor up front is buttery pastry. I'm not getting a light and flakey mouth feel, more of a heavy cake. Next I notice the cream, it's very much like their vanilla ice cream. No egginess like a custard, yet is has that creamy slightly cooked pudding like consistency usually found in cream cheese danishes. It has the flavor of a light vanilla cream though. The cinnamon is a mild bakery cinnamon, fairly light, and comes through more on the exhale along with a hint of a slightly darker baking vanilla, more of a low note than the vanilla cream. Sweet cream butter and sugar are well balanced in with the cinnamon, very much like the streusel they refer to in their description. Moderately sweet overall, I'm also getting a sweet powdered sugar type icing finish. Every once in a while I get a hint of a super light maple. It's very faint and seems to come and go. I'm wondering if there is some brown sugar in with the cinnamon?


Off Flavors: Faint maple every once in a while, nothing offensive.


Throat Hit: 2/10


Pairings: Almost any fleshy fruit would be good here, turning it into a fruit and cream danish. It will also fit in very well to strengthen bakery notes, especially in cinnamon rolls or anywhere you would normally use Capella Cinnamon Danish Swirl. Great to add sweetness and body to custards, and tobaccos. Also would be very good with nuts, specifically almonds and pecans.


Notes: This is a very complex flavor, and makes an excellent single flavor for a fast and easy mix, or to have something good to vape while still learning about mixing. I enjoyed it at the recommended 9%, I wouldn't go over 10 tops. I'm going to start around 1-5% as an accent. It's much more complex than Capella's Cinnamon Danish, and I can see using this a lot.

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