Jungle Flavors Yellow Cake


Setup: tsunami; Fused Clapton .4Ω; cotton wicks; 85W

Testing: JF Yellow Cake aged:0 days Mixed at: 70/30 vg/pg

Flavor description: Tastes like a rich moist yellow cake. No overly baked notes. It does have a very "Yellow" flavor to it at 5%. The thickness you would expect from a cake is here. It is not lacking on any moistness either. It has the moisture, baked cake flavor and the iconic yellow flavor right up front. For a single flavor mix it is pretty strong and very close to an authentic yellow cake flavor.

Off-flavors: I can taste no off flavors are aren't common with a yellow cake when used at 5%

Throat hit: Nothing of note/ incredibly smooth

Uses: As one of the few people that hates FW Yellow Cake I've been looking for a suitable sub for it for a while. I think this is it. This would go great with anything that needs a plain cake flavor note. Try subbing this flavor in for FW YC and see how it works. I don't think you'll be disappointed. I'm impressed with this flavor; it's better than I expected.

Note: I will update this review if I find this flavor changes at all with a steep. Shaked and vaped it is incredibly good and not lacking at all.

Recipe: Mediocre FuckNut - A Jelly Filled Donut

FA WOW - 3%

JF Sweet Strawberry - 1%

FA Joy - .5%

TFA Cheesecake GC - 1%

JF Yellow Cake - 1%

Pretty good shake and vape but needs a couple days for the FA Wow to, well, wow you.

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