Jungle Flavors Biscuit


Setup: velocity v2; dual 24g SS316 6 wrap; full cotton wicks

Testing: Jungle Flavors Biscuit at 2.5% aged: 4 days 70/30 vg/pg 1.5mg nic

Flavor description Sweet, buttery, crunchy cookie. Dense mouthfeel and very nicely balanced between the sweet and savory aspects. On the exhale there’s a nice of bit vanilla peeking through. Tastes like a less dry, and overall tastier version of INW biscuit.

Off-flavors: Nada, Zip, Zilch

Throat hit: Smooth, very smooth.

Uses: All the things! This will work great as a cookie or pastry type base right around 2-3%. Use at .5-1% for a nice toasty biscuit accent, adds some body with its buttery style. This is concentrated stuff just like most of JF’s line; but this IMO is not as strong as INW biscuit. I find INW biscuit to kind of become more and more noticeable after a steep to a point where its gross, JF biscuit has not had that affect on me. (i'd stay between .5-3%)

I sub this for INW biscuit across the board and it works just as well, if not better, every damn time. (Usually at the same %)

Really tasty with strawberry, I subbed JF for INW to make this recipe and it turned out fantastic

Pairings: Cookies/Cheesecakes/Bakery Stuff, Berries, Creams, Custards, Chocolate, Nuts, Tobacco, Caramel, probably a bunch more things I’m forgetting.

Notes: Works as a shake and vape, but I like it more after 2-3 days. Everything evens out and its just delicious. It’s kind of what I had hoped INW biscuit would be back when I first began mixing. I was put off by it though and avoided recipes that called for biscuit. INW biscuit is too dry for me and strange tasting especially after chain vaping. I am very thankful that JF answered my prayers on this one.

Second Opinions

/u/Trevorxgage called it the INW biscuit killer and I must agree

Excellent reviews on ECX, the only place to buy this that I know of.

One note on ELR says “good stuff, like it slightly more than INW biscuit

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