Inawera Summer Feelings


The Cheesiest, .....most "Love Boat" label.... IN VAPING^TM

Inawerawinkel's description:

New Sweet, fruity with complementary aromas of raspberry and peach with a slight addition of lime. Taste of summer full of delicious fruit flavors. The label "art" - PREPARE TO BE INSPIRED!!.



  • percentage used: 4%
  • overnight steep
  • PG/VG ratio: 50/50
  • vaped on Nautilus mini
  • 1.8 ohm coil
  • 11.1 Watts  

Flavour Properties:

  • Tart
  • Tangy
  • slight "floral" topnote (which can be tamed)


Relatable Flavours:

  • thin peach flavour,
  • tart Inawera raspberry, way back in the mix,
  • light touch of naturalistic lime.
  • there's something of a Sharon Fruit "bite" about it.


Mouth Feel:

  • Thin, tart.
  • Mildly adstringent sensation.
  • Moderately sweet.


Off Flavours:

  • Floral top note might be scary for some.
  • could probably get a bit chemically with too much over 4%.
  • I personally find it a bit on the dry side, will try with Cactus / Dragonfruit


Position In A Recipe:

  • this immediately comes across as mid to top kind of flavour, but I've found it to fill a main role too.


Suggested Percentage:

  • 4, or less, to add character, or adstringency to fruits that are too "one dimensional" or candy-like  


  • Menthol
  • Koolada
  • WS-23
  • Reinforcement for Peach, add depth to sweet Apricot, Plum
  • add a tang to Raspberry/ Strawberry mixes
  • give a tartness to fruit toppings on cakes, tarts, turnovers.
  • add depth to teas, lemonades.
  • Add bite to hard candies  


  • Interesting starting point for Sorbets, fruit, drinks, deserts.

  • also for those who want to like Juicy Peach, but can't.

  • Foresee myself mostly using this in the cold/fruity side of things,

  • as an antidote to the tobaccos I've been enjoying

  • Is this a keeper? for me yes, still playing with it, learning from the balance in the mix. In the same way that cloning a juice can be a good reverse-engineering exercise ;

Combinations such as these, teach us what can be achieved with just three concentrates.

I'll usually throw a few "wild card" flavours in the cart, when ordering from Inawera, rarely regret it.

I am curious to see what directions others take it to! *edited "for sanity" might add as I get to know it better.

thanks to u/wh1skeyk1ng for formatting tips.

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