Inawera Shisha Strawberry


##INW Shisha Strawberry##

My favorite strawberry at this point in time. It's like a mix of an artificial sweet strawberry, a natural strawberry, and has a sort of creamy or smooth texture to it. I remember hearing before purchasing this flavoring that it was the best strawberry out there, and that it's the only one you need; I disagree that it's the only one you need. It is great by itself as a strawberry, but I feel it benefits a lot from a slight strawberry ripe accent (depending on the recipe of course). It is weak for an INW flavoring, but falls in line with the same kind of potency as a lot of other flavoring companies such as TFA & CAP.

On the Nose
A sweet strawberry with a slight ripe tone

Recommended Usage
Stand alone: 5%

In a mix: 1-4%


Creams, other strawberries, vanilla, marshmallow, cream cheese

Coffee, dark sweetness (i.e. butterscotch/caramel)

2 days

Simple Recipe: Shisha Strawberry Cream
Ratio: 15PG/85VG Steep: 2 days

  • INW Shisha Strawberry @ 4%
  • INW Shisha Vanilla @ 3%

I mixed this up on a whim just because they were my two favorite ingredients at the time, and wanted to see how a "Mustard Milk" play on them would work. While not as successful as Mustard Milk, it is an enjoyable vape and really lets these two shisha flavorings shine, and gives you a great idea of what both of them bring to the table.

Complex Recipe: Sweet Strawberry Cream
Ratio: 15PG/85VG Steep: 3+ days

  • TFA Strawberry Ripe @ 3%
  • FA Red Touch @ 0.5%
  • INW Shisha Strawberry @ 2%
  • TFA Vanilla Bean Ice Cream @ 3%
  • INW Shisha Vanilla @ 1%
  • LA Cream Cheese Icing @ 1%
  • FLV Cream @ 1%

While INW Shisha Strawberry is the star here, you can see how the TFA Strawberry Ripe & FA Red Touch accent the INW to provide a ripe sweetness, and a touch more authenticity to the strawberry to really round out that strawberry profile.

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