Inawera RY-4 (TDM)


Setup: Hadeon clone with a SS316L dual core fused Clapton / Profile Unity RTA with 200 SS316L Mesh

Flavor: INW RY-4 (tino d’milano)

Flavor description from the manufacturer: RY-4 flavour. Manufactured from the ingredients for food production. Very concentrated.

Recommended percentage: 1-3%

Testing: 3% tested after 1 and 7 days of steep. 70/30 VG/PG 2mg nic.

Throat hit: 7/10 (made me cough occasionally when chain vaping)

Dryness: 5/10

Flavor description:

The inhale is sweet with a, to me, nondescript tobacco note as well as a leafy/woody, almost sandalwood bordering vibe. There seems to be vanilla but it’s miniscule, chilling in the background behind everything else. I’m not very well versed in the realm of tobacco flavors but I think it could be burley in there. Exhale is burnt sugar/caramel which reminds me of INW Crême Bruleé but not in the same intensity. Thick dense mouthfeel, not as dry as I expected and overall mostly enjoyable flavor. The hiding vanilla is a little more prominent in the profile RTA fwiw.

Off-notes: nothing really

Changes after steep: Not a whole lot, the woody note is not as aggressive as it was and the sweetness is more prominent, almost like sucralose.

Pairings: IDK, more vanilla, tobacco or probably some caramel, too dominant for use in a complex mix in my opinion. TFA Peanut Butter works well as a pairing.

Other opinions: Valters B. wrote on ***“***Good flavor for everyday use. Unobtrusive and a pleasant taste. Absolutely the best RY4 flavour concentrate out there!”

edit: removed swear.

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