Inawera Little Space Drop


Setup: Druid with the short barrel, dual coil 9 wrap 24g kanthal, .37 ohms, 70 watts, cotton wicks

Testing: INW Little Space Drop @ 3%, 80/20 VG/PG, 3 mg nic, aged 3 weeks

Flavor description: From mega tobacco tasting note thread: "at 5%, tobacco and according to the website, roasted walnut. I get the walnut but not the roasted part of it. More of a fresh, slightly green walnut, if that makes any sense. It might do well in a mix but I don't like it as a standalone."

From me: Wood and walnuts. It almost tastes like FA Black Fire before the fire is lit, if you can imagine that. Very strong at 3%.

Off-flavors: I wouldn't say there's anything "off" from what was intended. Just very strong. Wouldn't use as a stand alone. More a background note to be used in the .5%-1% max range.

Throat hit: Bites the tongue, but pretty easy on the throat.

Uses: In the back of a tobacco mix. You'll want to think "hmm, there's something interesting in there, but I can't quite place it." Go above 1% at your own risk.

Pairings: Tobacco, nuts, maybe worth a shot in a fruity tobacco. I'll probably try it along side FA Black Fire and see how that goes.

Notes: All the notes I have on it are included above. I bought this flavor once before, but never used it when I smelled it. Decided to give it a fair shot. Gonna try it somewhere. Most likely in a rework of my 555 mix.

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