Inawera Lemon Cake


Percentage Used: 1.5%


Equipment Used: Troll RDA with a single Kanthal .3 ohm Staircase coil at 27W. 24g kernel with 32g wrap, cotton wick.


PG/VG: 30/70


Steep Time: 9 Weeks


Manufacturer Description: A delicious lemon cake.

Manufacturer Suggested Percentage: 3%

Aroma: lemon, pound cake, sugar.


Flavor Description: Light and very sweet lemon, not acidic and tart like a fresh lemon. More of a lemon extract flavor as would be appropriate with cooking or baking. I am having a hard time describing the bakery/cake part of the flavor. Below the sweet lemon is an easily recognizable pound cake flavor although it's missing the density or heaviness, yet it still checks the buttery and richness box in both texture and flavor. But I'm also getting a slight bitterness or off flavor that is hard to describe. It reminds me of a cake, biscuit, or bread where someone added just a touch too much baking powder. Almost like a light hint of floury like bitterness you get with too much baking powder? That doesn't extend into the body and mouthfeel of it though, it actually has a great moistness to the cake. The ratios of cake to fruit is rather good with the cake being slightly more prominent than the lemon, and the lemon melds into the cake for a more complex full cake flavor rather than sitting on top of it.


Off Flavors: Something I can't recognize? Similar to a baked good with too much baking powder if you've ever had one.


Throat Hit: 3/10


Uses: Bakeries. Cakes, pies, muffins, danishes, ice cream or shakes.


Notes: After reading others comments on the strength of this flavor, I started with 1.5%. It's a medium strength here, I've used it up to 2% for the main note, but I haven't tried it higher as I'm afraid that off note will become offensive. I have made recipes using this in the .75-1.5% range and it has made really good cakes, custard, and pies without the off taste. I'm not sure what magic happens, but that strange note completely disappears with additional flavors. I won't use it single flavor due to that, but it's become integral to my lemon bakeries.

This is my favorite attempt so far:

Lemon Poundcake w/Cream Cheese Icing:

1.50% Butter (CAP)
1.50% Cream Cheese Icing (LA)
3.00% Lemon (FE)
2.00% Lemon Cake (INAWERA)
1.00% Meringue (FA)
3.00% Simply Cake (Purilum)

Flavor total: 12%


Other opinions: From RedDread1973 on Reddit: Ordered this because it was recommended to me by someone that works at the DIY shop I order from. (/u/FunkMast3r)

I will state that I am not a fan of lemon anything, in food or vaping. I don't hate it but it's not really my thing.

Smell - This smells exactly like a lemon pound cake. I mean exactly. Buttery, Lemony and cakey.

Taste - As a shake n vape it's unbelievable. Extremely complex. Layered with the same notes as what you smell. Butterry, Cakey, lemony goodness. This is not an overpowering Lemon/Pledge flavour. It's present but subtle on the exhale. The cake notes are there on both the inhale and the exhale but again not overpowering the lemon. The butter is present on the inhale but again very well balanced.

This is by far the best single flavour I have ever used. (I have about 200 flavours right now). I will be playing with adding other fruits to see how they mix with it as I can see the subtle citrus from the lemon helping brighten some difficult flavours like blueberry.

Now for the mix:

INW - Lemon Cake 3% DW - 2% (Distilled Water) 3mg/Nic (100% VG) 95% VG Wow! This is one that will be very versatile in the bakery mixes.

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