Inawera Green Spring Tea


My build:

Kayfun 5/Therion 75w/30 watts/Single coil Kanthal

Percentage Mixed

Standalone/2%/ 50/50 VG PG

Steep Time:

2 days/48 hours

First Impressions:

Inawera is notorious for giving vague names to their flavorings. When I picked up Inawera Green Spring Tea at my local vendor, I was intrigued. It has a floral scent (which I couldn't quite put my finger on) and of course, you get the subtle undertones of matcha green tea. I did a quick Google search on my phone and found almost zero results. So I did what any sensible DIY-er would do! I grabbed a 10ml vial for science!

Before I continue, here is what their official website has to say about this flavoring:

Green Tea with Jasmine

Oh, so that's the floral scent I was picking up. Now as you all might know by now, I share a great affinity for green tea. I drink it every morning, and every evening, too. So I'm pretty familiar with pairings. For example, honey gives it a thick sweetness that compliments the earthiness of the tea. Or adding lemon adds a bit of zest and really brightens up the green tea.

So pairing it with something floral and delicate like jasmine should be a no-brainer, right?

Unlike TFA Green Tea, this concentrate is free from any coloring. That means you get less of the dreaded coil charring and that means less coil changing.


I'm getting nothing on the first few puffs. Oh ,wait... I think I'm picking up the subtle taste of jasmine. It's a very delicate flavor, preferring to stay in the background and let green tea take the spotlight. But that's the major problem with this flavoring. The green tea is being a shy little bitch.

I was hopeful when I purchased this flavoring. I wanted my taste buds to be swept by the rich, delicate aroma of the jasmine flower. At the same time, the earthiness of the green tea could really serve to keep things grounded (no pun intended), making sure that the jasmine doesn't ever become too perfumey.


At 2%, the flavor is mild and lacking. I might consider upping the percentage to 3 or even 4%. I have to say, this flavoring is quite a disappointment considering the majority of INW's flavors are potent.


Floral tea (needs to be reinforced with FA Jasmine), maybe green tea jasmine cake, or maybe iced green tea infused with lemon or melon for a nice refreshing vape.

Is it 4oz-worthy?

Nope. It's worth a try but I feel it doesn't deserve a spot in any mixer's arsenal. Nexttttt!

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