Inawera Crème Brulee


Ok so I bought a sample Of this from bullcity about a month ago. They were out of INW's new custard flavor so I tried this. Since then I've ordered 30ml of the creme brulee and was able to get a sample of custard along with hangsen ry0.

On to the review

Inw creme brulee: I use it at 3-5% in 50/50 or 70/30 and this shit is delicious. Tastes like burnt sugar caramel flavor, semi thick eggy (not so much as FA meringue)custard, with a sweet well rounded vanilla flavor blended somewhere in the middle.

The vanilla is sweet and almost fruity in a sense. I almost taste something that like FA mango or coconut on the exhale. They might share some constituents in small amounts. The flavors are all blended together well.

I think trying to disect and analyze every nuance of this one doesn't do it as much justice as just telling you this is a kick ass creme brulee flavor that's a lil heavy on the caramel IMO. I Think it's worth the price and that you should also pick up INW custard to blend or appreciate separately. I've been vaping creme brulee with nicotine for weeks and love it mane

I'm working on another RYish type recipe using this but time is a bitch as is redditing on my phone

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