Inawera Cocopilada


Percentage Used: 3.5%


Equipment Used: Vengeance with .2 kanthal coil at 30W


PG/VG 30/70


Steep Time: 2 Days


This is good strong flavor, but a little harsh throat hit. Thinking it will smooth out with further steeping like most acidic flavors. Sweet and really enhanced vapor production as seems to be normal with coconut vapes. Tastes like sweet coconut backed with pineapple. Not as creamy as TFA sweet coconut candy although just as sweet. FA coconut definitely much creamier and less sweet than this. Supposed to be coconut cookie? Not tasting any cookie yet, and wasn't expecting the pineapple, although I like it.


Steep Time: 3 Weeks


The flavor has deepened and gotten even stronger and very sweet with steeping, as well as some nice creaminess has developed. Throat hit is mostly gone, but too strong for me at this percentage, thinking 2-2.5% at the most by itself for my tastes. Good at 3.5% if you like in your face flavor or your taste buds are still healing from smoking. In mixes I think start at .5% depending on how upfront you want the flavor. This is actually pretty good as a stand alone flavor. Coconut well balanced and hangs in there pretty equally with the pineapple, but such a strong flavor it's hard to find the cookie, more a back note to me. I think I will experiment with adding FA Cookie and/or INW Biscuit and some cream and see what develops.




Pina Colada Vanilla Sandwich Cookie

Ingredient|% :---|---: Butter Cream (CAP)|1.5 Cocopilada (INAWERA)|2 Cookie (Biscotto) (FA)|1 Madagascar (Vanilla Classic) (FA)|0.5 Marshmallow (FA)|1 Sugar Cookie (CAP)|1.5 Vanilla Shisha (INAWERA)|2

Flavor total: 9.5%

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