Inawera Black Cat for Pipe


Setup: RDA: Asmodus C4, Coil: Single Triple Fused 26Gx3 I 38G 6 wrap 2.5mm

Test at: 3% 70/30 VGPG at 61W - 1 day - 3 weeks steep

On the nose:

It has a strong, almost medicinal smell to it. You can easily detect some darker berries. According to inawerawinkel, this is supposed to be wild blueberries, but I'm picking up notes from dates and black berries and not really any wild blueberries. Has a strong scent of a more sweet tobacco.


On day 1 fresh after mix, you definitely taste a whole lot of leaf mixed with cough syrup and some darker unsweetened berries. Not sour but not really sweet either. A little flat and not very appealing.

After 3 weeks steep: I don't detect a whole lot of berries. It's still very leafy - which aren't a bad, but I'm really missing some berries here. Has a stronger after-taste of some sweet tobacco buried somewhere in the leafy flavor, that kinda lingers in your mouth for a good while. The only hint of berries I can pick up, are a very weak flavor of perfume much like you'd find in more floral berry flavors. It's so weak however, that I really doubt it'll show up in any mix with this concentrate.

Throat hit: 3/10 - It has a bit of itching right there at the end, but nothing overpowering.

Off notes: None other than the perfume really - the cough syrup has pretty much vanished after 3 weeks, so that's a thing.


It's hard for me to find anything, but tobacco recipes to use this for. It's not sweet enough to be used in any sort of dirty desserts or bakeries. Further I can't really see this concentrate work very well with brighter fruits either. Mixes infused with darker berries and fruits + other tobaccos or stronger booze is where I can see this one really shine. With some help from other darker berries and fruits, I think the berries that are supposed to be in this will appear a little better. Probably more of an accent tobacco than a center-player here.

For standalone mix: 3-5%In a mix: 1.5-3%


Due to the lack of berries, I can't really see this as a concentrate I'll be using that much. It falls a little flat and doesn't really bring any wow-effect to a mix. Although, I believe tobacco-lovers will be able to twist this concentrate to their linkings. But this is definitely not a concentrate for people who has a hard time with tobacco. Solo vaping this actually almost makes me gag - hah!

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