Inawera Am4a



  • percentage used: 3%
  • 3 week steep
  • PG/VG ratio: 50/50
  • vaped on NarDA rda, A1 Kanthal, 24 gauge, spaced coil, 0.96 ohm, 12-20 watts


Type of Tobacco */u/SumOldCant has inspired me to add a new category to my reviews that will denote the type of tobacco it is. This will be either Non-Aromatic or Aromatic and I will include whether it's a true tobacco leaf taste or not.

  • Aromatic pipe style tobacco: This has no real tobacco leaf flavor, instead it's meant to be a topping for pipe style blends. If you need clarification, look up aromatic vs non-aromatic tobacco.

Flavor Properties:

  • aromatic
  • rich and complex
  • thick
  • smooth
  • slightly sweet


Relatable Flavors:

  • caramel (that's what I noticed first but it takes a back seat after a few puffs)
  • hint of vanilla
  • touch of rum
  • dash of spice (cinnamon maybe?)
  • ice wine type of sweetness but not sickly
  • cocoa on the tail end of the exhale
  • woodsy notes way in the background
  • some kind of dark fruit like a plum or raisin wafting in and out of the profile


Mouth Feel:

  • medium to heavy density


Off Flavors:

  • If I literally sniff the coil I detect an ever so slight plastic-y smell that doesn't seem to translate to the vapour itself. You really have to be looking for something to point out for this to be even noticeable.


Position In A Recipe:

  • front of the class
  • It's so complex that I think best approach is to mix with flavors that will accentuate specific elements of the profile. There's a lot of room to play with top notes and bases but it feels like Am4a needs space in the mix and might be hard to tame if using as a support flavor.


Suggested Percentage:

  • 2-3% range



  • custards
  • creams
  • stone fruits
  • apple
  • coconut
  • rum/cognac/wine
  • chocolate
  • dark tobaccos



  • Definite keeper ladies and gentlemen
  • I don't usually go in for aromatics, but this one is a must have. I'll vape it after 9pm with a cognac on the side.
  • Am4a feels like RY4's cooler, more sophisticated older cousin who drives around town with the top down. Guys wanna be him and ladies wanna be with him.
  • Use as a standalone or invite some friends.
  • This flavor is a real thinker. I find myself vaping away, pondering the notes I'm tasting, trying to figure it out. There's some notes I can't quite put my finger on. Certain things pop out at you and then recede back into the profile. This shit is fun to vape.
  • Here's another user's synopsis that I pulled from ELR. It sums things up nicely..

"Am4a is slightly sweet and oh so smooth! Upon the first few vapes I detect a darker pipe style tobacco, with faint hints of chocolate or cocoa, roasted coffee bean, vanilla. As the vapor extends I believe I detect possible hints of caramel, rum, and maybe even a raisin back there too. The longer I vape it all the flavors all blend into a smooth and almost creamy dark pipe vape, with the vanilla and coffee/caramel intertwining into one in the background, leaving a lingering lighter note of chocolate/cocoa as the tobacco shines through it all."


Recipe Suggestion: This is a good 'get to know ya' recipe for Am4a, but you'll have lots of ideas of your own once you're better acquainted.


*important: Wayne is def not a tobacco head, he claims this tastes like a cig but it most definitely does not. The second link below is my flavor notes on his recipe. Check em out if you want to know what you're getting into. It's good, have mixed with FA Almond and CAP Toasted Almond, prefer the Toasted.



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