Hangsen Tab Blended


Setup: Mutation X v2, dual 8 wrap 26g kanthal 3 mm ID, cotton wicks @ 55-60 Watts.

Testing: Hangsen Tab Blended @ 1.5%, 1 month steeped

Flavor description: A bit of an RY4 Type Flavor. Like TFA RY4 Double, but not so heavy on the Cyclotene. There’s a slight hint of nuttiness to it too, but it’s very subtle. I don’t really get a whole lot of tobacco, smoke, or ash here, but I’m not really too upset about it. It’s tasty. I think if RY4 Double is a bit too funky for you, this would be a good replacement. It seems about on par with the strength. 1.5% is definitely present, but it can be taken higher. I would probably stay away from anything too crazy though. 5% is about as high as I’d take it, with 2-3% probably being a bit more typical.

Off flavors: Nope

Pairings: Anywhere you’d use any RY4 flavor. There’s really too many things to even list, since I’ve seen RY4 Double mixed with just about everything.

Second Opinions: Didn’t see anything on Reddit about it, but three reviews on BCF are all positive and touch on the nuttiness and RY4-esque taste. Probably wouldn’t go with their percentages. Vaping Zone has some reviews that are positive. Seems some people are getting more nutty taste than I am. Maybe that comes out more in the 10-15% range that so many people seem to be using. Couple mention this tasting like DK Tab. Never had that, so I can’t say one way or another. If you’ve had it and liked it, then that might excite you. I’m assuming it is a Hangsen e-liquid, which would make sense for this to taste the same. ECF thread confirms that it is a Hangsen Eliquid and that this is the same thing they use to make it. Also gives some more reasonable percentages that are a little closer to what I recommend above.

That should give you a pretty good idea. I get mostly RY4, others get more nutty, but we all agree it’s good shit.

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