Hangsen Dirty Neutral Base (DNB)
- percentage used: 3% (ya you read that right)
- 3 week steep
- PG/VG ratio: 50/50
- vaped on NarDA rda, A1 Kanthal, 24 gauge, spaced coil, 0.7 ohm, 12-18 watts
Type Of Tobacco
- non-aromatic (*caveat - This is not a standalone, it's a support tobacco which should be used as an accent flavor)
Flavor Properties:
- smokey
- dry
- ashy
- strong
Relatable Flavors:
- Latakia (the actual tobacco not synthetic flavoring)
- straight up smoke, a bit more woodsy-campfire smoke than cigarettes but..
- ashy, ash tray note
- If you took the tobacco flavor out of tobacco and added a touch of charred wood, Dirty Neutral Base is what you would be left with.
- No sweetness
Mouth Feel:
- medium density
Off Flavors:
- none
Position In A Recipe:
- accent, use in small amounts to add the smoke/ash to your tobacco mixes
Suggested Percentage:
- 0.5-2% (2% will be drop kicking you in the taste buds so work your way up to Kung Fu senpai levels mkay)
- it can and will overpower mixes above 1%
- any tobacco blend that needs smoke
- you could do some pretty interesting fruit recipes with this.. think grilled peaches, bbq pineapple, smokey plum, fig or dark berries
- This is the answer to all your smoke woes, if that's missing from your tobaccos, get Dirty Neutral Base (aka DNB).
- It really tastes like how Latakia (real tobacco not synthetic) smells.
- To me, it's not harsh like FA Black Fire at 3%. But 3% DNB is way high and will probably not appeal to most.
- INW DNB and FA Black Fire are cousins and do share similarities.
- INW DNB has some smoke to it but really adds that acrid ashy note which kicks in about halfway through a smoking a cigarette. It also has zero sweetness. Black Fire is smoke but no ash tray taste and it has a slight sweetness.
- They can certainly be used together, low in the mix, to get you as close to burning tobacco as possible.
- If I had to choose only 1, I would go with Dirty Neutral Base
- I went in hard at 3%, it was uncalled for, I regret nothing.