HiLIQ Pomegranate


🏷️No Description for DIY Flavor Concentrate | HiLIQ Concentrated Flavors-5ml

◼️ Pomegranate E-Liquid Flavor Description: "...Introducing our awesome Pomegranate e-liquid blend which has the perfect amount of sweetness and tartness! The juices are squeezed down to bits to create a pleasurable healthylicious Vape moments just perfect for you!..." | Recommended* Usage: 3 - 5%

Suggested Usage Rate HiLIQ:




Single Flavor Test: 3%

60/40 | 0 Nic | Single 316L SS Fused Clapton | asMODus C4 RDA | Organic Japanese Cotton

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1 Week Steep

►Tester Bottle

- Aroma: Aroma Intensity ◼️◼️◼️◼️◻️

- Description: Bright, Aromatic, Tropical, Pomegranate

- Knuckle: Sweet & Sticky Pomegranate


- Flavor Intensity: ◼️◼️◼️◼️◻️

- Sweetness: ◼️◼️◼️◻️◻️

- Flavor Description: Natural. Smooth, Lightly Tart and Sweet Pomegranate Flesh. Light Body with a Smooth & Soft Mouthfeel.

► Notes

- Off Notes: No Identifiable Off Notes


2 ½ Week Steep

►Vape: No Noticeable Changes from Wk 1

- Flavor Intensity: ◼️◼️◼️◼️◻️

- Sweetness: ◼️◼️◼️◻️◻️

- Flavor Description: Slight Decrease in Intensity but not to warrant 3/5.

► Notes

- Off Notes: Same as Week 1


3 ½ Week Steep

►Vape: Overall Unchanged from Weeks 1 & 2

- Flavor Intensity: ◼️◼️◼️◼️◻️

- Sweetness: ◼️◼️◼️◻️◻️

- Flavor Description: Natural and Fruity. An overall Mellow, Smooth and Ripe Pomegranate Seed Flesh with an even balance of Sweetness and Tartness. Light Body with a Smooth & Soft Mouthfeel.

► Notes

- Off Notes: No Identifiable Off Notes

- Not Sharp or Acidic, Thin or Floral

- Pomegranate FA = Dark* Pomegranate with Light Cranberry-like notes - HiLIQ more Authentic but more Mellow

- Uses: Lighter Fruit or Beverage Mixes. Darker Fruits or Heavier Flavors may overshadow & overwhelm Mellow Pomegranate Flavor


►Mixing % Estimate*

Usage: 0.5 - 1% min • 2-3% med • 4% max

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