Health Cabin Chocolate White


◼️ No Product Description*


"Highly Concentrated | Recommended ratio: 3%-5%, this format is not fixed, customers can adjust it based on personal preference" -

🔹Heath Cabin Image: White Chocolate Bar -


Health Cabin Facebook Messenger Response 10/17: "Tobacco flavors: 3-5% | Non-Tobacco flavors:5-10% |No - Diacetyl or Acetyl Propionyl"-

📑"White chocolate is made with a blend of sugar, cocoa butter, milk products, vanilla, and a fatty substance called lecithin. Technically, white chocolate is not a chocolate — and it doesn't really taste like one—because it doesn't contain chocolate solids." -



SF Test: 2% | 60/40 | Wasp Nano | 316L SS Fused Clapton | Japanese Org.Cotton


First Impressions (48 Hour Steep ✔)


• Knuckle Test: Smell & Taste

  • Aroma Intensity - Mild | "Cocoa" / Chocolate Aroma with Hint of Coconut"?

  • Mild Sweetness | Creamy...Light Butter/Coconut...and Cocoa...?

10/28/2017 (1.2 Week Steep ✔ )


► Smell / Taste / Feel

• Tester Bottle Aroma: Unchanged ✓

Mild | "Cocoa" / Light Chocolate Aroma with Hint of Coconut

• Knuckle: Med.Sweetness | Mix of a Powdered Cocoa / Chocolate Syrup (Dominant) with a hint of a light < butter & coconut?

• Vape: Flavor Intensity - Mod Strong | Light Sweetness | Cocoa Powder / Syrup (Dominant) with a subtle soft Coconut (Submissive)

---| Med. Smooth Body | Mod. Thick Mouth Feel


► Notes

• Off Notes: Chocolate Flavor / Cocoa Powder

11/02/2017 - Intermission

11/09/2017 (3 Week Steep ✔) FINAL


► Smell / Taste / Feel

• Tester Bottle: Unchanged from Wk 1 ✓

Aroma Intensity - Mild | Soft Cocoa Powder Aroma with Mild Coconut Notes

• Knuckle: Sweetness - Med | Milk Chocolate Cocoa Powder mixed with a Extract-esque Coconut with a light Warming Alcohol* note

• Vape: Flavor Intensity - Mod Strong | Light Sweetness | Amalgamation of a Mild "Hershey's Natural" Cocoa Powder mixed with Coconut Extract ---| Med.Body | Coated Smooth & Somewhat Dry Mouth Feel


► Notes

• Off Notes: Cocoa Powder with a Light *Plastic / Waxy type Note

• Light Warming Sensation in chest (not offensive)

Similarity to "White Chocolate" - 0 | "Chocolate White" flavor not defined / no search results


► Usage: .5% min | .65 - 1% med | 1.5% max

Mix: 1 - 1.5%

⭐ 2.5★'s out of 5

  • "White Chocolate" Imitation = 0 < assumption from Vendor Website Image
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