Flavor West Tres Leches


Setup: Recoil with flavor cap. Dual round wire coils @ .25 ohms. 60W.

Testing: FW Tres Leches @ 5%. Steeped: 10 days.

Flavor Description: This is a very pleasant flavor. It reminds me of a dense cake that has been doused in sweetented condensed milk. Fairly thick mouthfeel, you can actually taste the cake in your mouth. Very smooth and creamy. Tres leches has plenty of sweetness on its own. The sweetness reminds me a lot of fw yellow cake it does have corn syrup in it so that explains the type of sweetness I am getting. It is not quite as sickeningly sweet though. The sweetness is shown throughout but really shines at the finish of the exhale.

Off Flavors: None to be had, this is a very authentic flavor. Well, I have never had tres leches but I imagine it is true to its name. Hopefully someone else who has had this dessert can clarify but it tastes how I imagine a tres leches would taste.

Throat Hit: 0/10, This flavor is super smooth and does not irritate the throat at all.

Uses: I can see this being used in decadent dessert vapes. Like maybe a duchess clone *ahem. It would be good to thicken up custard vapes or even be good to add some moistness to bakeries. This is a very versatile flavor and is a must buy imo.

Pairings: Berries, Stone fruits. I see this going very well with caramels and butter-scotches. This flavor is too heavy for most citrus or tropical fruit flavors. I can also see cinnamon working very well with it. It has a somewhat dark sweetness that I believe would also go very well with graham cracker.

Notes: I would definitely use this as a yc replacement in recipes that also have custards or creams in them. I have tried Jungle Flavors yellow cake as well as FLV Pound cake and although both good, they do not compare in flavor (FLV) or mouthfeel (JF) to FW Yellow Cake. If it is supposed to be a dryer bakery recipe this would not work however, due to how creamy and rich this flavor is, it is not a very "fluffy" flavoring.

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