Flavor West Sprinkles


Setup: Recoil w/ flavor barrel, Dual 15 wrap 26g 3mm Nifethal 70 coils @.17 ohms. 60w power, 450F temp limit. Full Cotton Wicks.

Testing: FW Sprinkles, 2 and 4%, 60/40 VG/PG, Steeped 3 days.

Flavor Description: Pretty accurate to sprinkles, which may not actually be a good thing. Drier, chalky and moderately sweet but still kind of airy. Light vanilla flavor bordering on anise-y artificial. That little weird artificial twinge at the end kind of tastes the actual food coloring in sprinkles, so good job there. Thin and dry in a fairly accurate way. Kind of like a really dry, underflavored marshmallow. As accurate as this is, it isn't really aggressive or distinct enough to stand out in a mix. Maybe some limited use to add some artificial birthday cake kind of sweetness to a normal cake mix, or some kind of poorman's FA Oba Oba to texturize syrupy fruits. Pretty undefined under 2%, but this get's unpleasantly dry before it fills out.

Inhale is chalky with an airy sweetness. Some really light vanilla in there with a bit of chemical artificial taste in the top notes. Sort of mildly harsh and unsatisfying. Exhale starts off with that light vanilla, top notes almost turn into a slightly bitter anise kind of flavor. Dry, chalky texture and that flavor fades out quite a bit on the back half of the exhale. Almost feels like raw vg, even up at higher percentages. It's like a hint of very dry artificial marshmallow. That dryness lingers for quite a while after vaping.

Off-flavors: This tastes uncannily like eating a mouthfeel of sprinkles, but somehow even less satisfying.

Throat Hit: Light to Moderate, mostly from the dryness. It gets really weird when you start chain vaping this.

Uses & Pairings: An accurate sprinkles flavor, but I'm not sure how to use it. Using it with a heavier cake, you may get some of that weird artificial vanilla / food dye sprinkle note coming through in the top notes, but most of that body is going to be run over by almost any other flavor. It may be enough to nudge a cake slightly more in a festive birthday cake direction, but it's going to be pretty subtle and subjectively that artificial note isn't really all that fun.

Would probably thin out and texture syrupy fruits, but I feel like Oba Oba already has the market locked down on that and it does a better job.

I realize it's not scientific or anything, but cross dripping this over another flavor, it basically disappears. It's like a chalkier version of whatever flavor it's being dripped on top of.

Notes: Concentration testing, this is really light at .25, .5, 1, and 1.5%. It's linear in that range, but it's mostly a light chalky mouthfeel and very artifical tasting vanilla. Around 2% you start to really get that artificial "sprinkle" note on the vanilla, but the base is still airy, thin, and chalky. 4% is a little sweeter, a little dryer, and a little more artifical tasting. 6% is getting distinctly dry for me. The sweetness is getting fuller, but it's still airy overall. It's like a crazy dry light marshmallow flavor. Still doesn't taste like a full flavor at 8%, but it sure is dry. 10% is like sweet chalk.

Second Opinions:

Brand New!

Here is the product page. It is not useful. Worth noting FW doesn't have a MSDS up for this yet, so no firm indication if there is anything weird like sugar syrup in here. I wouldn't guess there is, but who knows...

DIY_eJuice Flavor Reviews

Bonus video first test for this, FW Big Stick, and FW Star Candy

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