Flavor West Peach


Flavor West Peach Review

As you all probably already know by now, I purchased a shit ton of flavorings recently. However, I made a conscious decision to pick flavorings that are not constantly spoken about.

One of the companies that comes to mind is Flavor West. Flavor West has been one of the few companies that have gotten a lot of flak in the DIY community. And of course, with good reason. They lied to the masses about potentially unsafe ingredients in certain flavorings. Also, a lot of the flavorings are just really juvenile sounding and lack promise (Monkey Fart, Reindeer Poop, Pig Sap and many others come to mind). Couple that with a lot of bad reviews on the internet and you're gonna have a bad day.

All those things do not concern me though. As a mixer, my job is to find flavorings that deliver exceptional flavor. So I'm going to view this entirely objectively. Let's get to the review.

My build:

Kayfun 5 with Therion 75w, Vaped at 30 watts on a single coil build. 0.5 ohms.

Percentage Mixed

Mixed standalone at 5%

Steep Time:

It's a fruit, so no steep time is necessary although I let it sit for 24 hours/1 day.

First impressions:

There's not too much to say about the color. It's pretty much clear as day, which is to be expected with fruit flavorings.

The aroma reminds me of a ripened peach, it smells so sweet that I can almost taste the nectarine. I am also immediately reminded of a popular gummy peach candy.


Oh wow, this is a pleasant surprise. It smells the way it tastes. I get ripe, sweet peaches with an underlying nectar taste. But wait, what's that hitting the back of my throat. Oh no, I'm getting a dreaded perfume taste. I can't shake it off. It's faint and you can probably mask it with creams and desserts, but it's definitely there.

Did I mix this too high? Perhaps. I might have to revisit this at a lower percentage...


It's actually both. It could work as a good standalone if you lean that way. But I feel it would shine exceptionally well with a cream or bakery back note. I am also pretty convinced that this is the peach they are using in FW Peach Tobacco.

If you can get past the perfumey taste, this is a decent flavoring. Try adding another peach into the mix like FA White Peach or FA Peach to add a little dimension to it.

Is this 4oz worthy?

Unfortunately, no. Because of the dreaded perfume taste, I don't see myself vaping much of this. However, take note that this could be entirely my fault for mixing it at 5%. It could be one of FW's stronger offerings. I'll need to revisit this one in the future.

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