Flavor West Double Dutch Chocolate



Hello everyone, it's time for another flavor review. My paycheck finally came in the other day and I did what any reasonable man would do, I spend it on a shit ton of different flavorings. One of those flavorings was FW Double Dutch Chocolate. Here is the review. Oh, also, I would like to mention that I will be trying out some new things with the "review template". Chrisdvr did an awesome job at spearheading this and setting a ubiquitous style which everyone has used. However, I feel like it's lacking in certain areas. So again, without further ado, here is the review.

My build:

Kayfun 5 with Therion 75w, Vaped at 30 watts on a single coil build.

Percentage Mixed

Mixed standalone at 5%

Steep Time:

4 days. This one does not need a long steep for the chocolate to come out.

First impressions:

Now most people will not find this surprising but I think it's still worth a mention. This flavoring is BLACK, like tar black. It is most definitely without a doubt a coil killer. I'm sure you'll find that a lot of chocolates are plagued with this malady.

Upon taking a quick sniff, I pick up notes of rich cocoa. There's an apparent dark chocolate note to it with a soft undertone of what I assume can only be cream.

So we've established that it looks like chocolate and smells like chocolate, how does it vape?


I took one puff. I took two more puffs. Before I knew it, I couldn't put my atomiser down. This flavoring is incredible! It's tasty, full-bodied, borderline-malty and it perfectly represents what a good chocolate should be!

It's slightly bitter and sweet, like dark chocolate. I also pick up a faint backnote of cream. I don't think I've ever had Dutch Chocolate so I can't draw an accurate comparison. With that said, I can definitely claim with the utmost confidence that Flavor West hit this one out of the park.

There's none of that fake Tootsie roll chocolate like TFA Double Chocolate Clear. Instead, you'll find a rich, comforting chocolate, like a cup of hot cocoa your mum would make for you when it's raining heavily outside.


This definitely works as both! It would be a great standalone because of how nuanced it is. You get some cream, you get that tinge of bitterness, a little maltiness and of course, sweetness! But it never goes into cloying territory, I would say it has high ADV potential!

Is this 4oz worthy?

Yup! My only regret is not picking up a bigger bottle of this (I only got a vial). This flavoring works as a good base for many chocolate type recipes. It can also work as an accent to give other flavorings a touch of dark complexity. YMMV.

Edit: Someone requested that I vape more of it to see what effects it would have on the coil. So I vaped like 4.5mls of it in my Kayfun. The coils are SLIGHTLY charred but surprisingly, it still chugs fine. No burned taste of any kind. However one thing to notice is the cotton. Black as tar!

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