Flavor Revolution Woody Tobacco


Setup Mutation X v2, dual 8 wrap 26g kanthal 3 mm ID, cotton wicks @ 55-60 Watts.

Testing Flavor Revolution Woody Tobacco @ 2%, steeped 1 month 5 days

Flavor description A not too shabby sweet leaf tobacco with a smoky wood flavor. The tobacco note is most prominent on the front of the exhale. It’s a bright, sweeter tobacco sort of similar to something like FLV Cured. The wood takes over about halfway through the exhale, and carries on until the end. Exactly what kind of wood is a bit hard for me to place. There might be a bit of oak in there, but what I’m getting most is something else. I want to say maybe a smoky cedar? When nobody was looking at work I sniffed some cedar shims, and I’d probably say that’s closest. It’s got a moderately dense mouth feel that rolls over the tongue nicely, and gives a hint of a bite on the back end. The smoky element here is most likely guaiacol, which I’ve been able to pick out pretty easily after buying some and testing on its own.

Off flavors Nothing really jumping out at me. Everything that is there, I’d expect to be there in something called Woody Tobacco.

Pairings I think this would work pretty well with some darker tobaccos, but just keep in mind that the tobacco note that is in there is pretty sweet. So if you’re wanting to avoid that sweetness, maybe grab a different wood additive instead. Or if you were going to do something like FLV Red Burley and Cured, either leave out the Cured or bring it down a bit.

I could see this going quite nicely with a bourbon flavor as well.

Butterscotch or caramel might be interesting. A build your own RY4 might get a bit wild with this.

Get weird with some florals? Maybe. Might be cool.

Percentage I’ve got this mixed at 2%, which is what the suggested percentage was. It’s a bit strong. If you want a pretty intense wood note, 2% should be plenty. I’d most likely mix with it closer to .5-1% though.

Notes I did a first impressions write up on the Flavor Revolution tobaccos already, and I really felt compelled to give this one a fair shot. What I ended up finding out is that this one is a steeeeeeper. 2 weeks compared to a month has changed my mind on this one. After I wrote that up, I pretty much left it to be forgotten. While preparing for the tobacco additives show for Noted, I gave it a little drip and thought, “damn, I’m gonna need to revisit this.” So far the others seem to be pretty much the same, but this one surprised me with how much it changed over time.

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