Flavor Revolution Tobacco Mega Thread


I figured I'd put all of these in one post since they are just some quick tasting notes, and they are all pretty similar, so full reviews on them would probably be a lot of copy/paste and references to the others. So here's some speed dating notes on Flavor Revolution's tobacco flavors:

All tested around 50-60 watts in a Mutation X v2. Mixed @ 2% 60/40. Tasted fresh, then 2 weeks steeped.

Leafy Tobacco - bright and leafy. Maybe a bit of a citrus note. Pretty strong at 2%. Sweeter type of tobacco. Decent. Surprisingly decent actually. 2 weeks: the citrus note has calmed down quite a bit, and there might be a hint of some kind of under ripe fruit. Maybe imagine taking the skin off of a purple grape and just eating that. Definitely has a leafy Tobacco taste to it, but their Tobacco Morning is probably a bit more leafy. These all seem to have a similar sweet type of "tobacco" base. Not a bad thing if you're after some sweet tobaccos.

Sweet tobacco - very similar to Leafy. Probably too similar really. I actually don't taste a difference. 2 weeks: about the same, but a bit more dry, and actually a bit less sweet than the Leafy Tobacco.

Tobacco Morning - tastes a bit like the other two, but has a bit more tobacco taste. A pretty authentic tobacco taste too. Almost like a TA. 2 weeks: sweet tobacco leaf taste. Bites the tongue quite nicely. Still has that TA taste to it. Maybe like a Flue Cured Absolute. I definitely think this is usable.

Woody tobacco - not an oak tobacco. More like pine? I don't know. Getting a bit of gin feeling from it. Not bad I suppose. 2 weeks: the gin vibes are gone, but it's not left with much that I'd call "woodsy." Not as earthy as I like, and was hoping it would be.

Overall, if you're in to tobaccos and you're shopping at Nicotine River, maybe throw one in the cart. I'd suggest Tobacco Morning, and I'd probably test it closer to 1%. 2% for these was a bit strong. According to the SDS on them, they are flammable, so will have to ship FedEX, so keep that in mind if you weren't planning on shooting for the free shipping for orders over $50.

I haven't used any of them in a mix yet, but I'll probably try out Tobacco Morning first. Not quite sure what I'll be aiming for with it just yet. Probably add something a bit more bitter to try to combat the sweetness of it. If anything works out, you'll probably see it in the October recipe thread.

Anyone else try any of these yet?

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