Flavorah Strawberry Cream


Setup: Goon LP, 25g SS316L twisted and claptoned w/ 38g spaced 5 wraps @0.19 ohms, 112w power, cotton half wicks.

Testing: Flavorah Strawberry Cream @1%, steeped for 35 days.

Flavor Description: Mostly gross strawberry with a subtle creamy background. This is not very much like a strawberry cream candy like the Flavorah blurb states; in fact, this would need a lot of help to get there. I think it would be easier to replicate that profile without this concentrate than to shape this concentrate into it. if you do want to try that approach I would use this very low as an accent. I get some of the same off-flavors that were present in the other FLV strawberries I reviewed (shoes/medicine), but not as potent. the long steep seems to have done nothing to diminish the off-flavors, which is unfortunate because this flavor is really good in every other aspect. judging by the mixed reviews on the other FLV strawberries I tried, I would venture to say that these off-flavors will not be tasted by everyone so YMMV.

Off-flavors: strawberry shoes, cough syrup.

Throat Hit: none.

Uses & Pairings: this is a strawberry cream, so strawberries and cream is an obvious choice. this might work in a strawberry banana recipe or a strawberry milkshake/ice cream/etc. provided the off-flavors don't scare you away. 1% seems strong enough as a standalone but I would start even lower in a mix lest the dreaded shoe taste shows up for you.

Notes: I've been very busy with finals and research papers lately so I haven't dropped a review in some time. this is the last of the FLV strawberry flavors that /u/concreteriver sent me for testing (thanks again) and I will be back to reviewing the LNW line soon!

Second Opinions: I didn't find any so here's the FLV Description: Like the strawberry cream hard candy. This strawberry cream benefits from additions of both strawberry and cream if you are trying to pull it in a particular direction, but can stand alone if you have the candy strawberry note in mind.

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