Flavorah Mango


  • This concentrate was provided by bullcityflavors.com, for the sole and express purpose of publishing an honest review for r/DIY_eJuice.

Setup: Tobeco Velocity v1 RDA; 8 wrap dual tiger coils @ .26Ω; cotton wicks; 55 W

Testing: Flavorah - Mango @ 3%; Aged: 15 days

Flavor description: Very resembling of a mango (as it should be) yet not super juicy or tart. The tropical fruit flavor is there, but at 3%, it lacks the bit of bright wetness an actual mango would have. I also get a bit of a pineapple/orange flavor combo at higher temps.

Off-flavors: Nothing really off here.

Throat hit: 2/10 pretty light

Uses: 1-2% as an accent in a tropical mix or even a contrast fruit in a darker mix. 3-5% as a front note. If you're after a plain Mango ADV, try it at 5-6%. Flavor uses and recipes discussed much more in-depth in FOTW posts here and here.

Pairings: Most any fruits, lighter creams, a dash of sweetener might even be preferred to help round out the flavor better.

Notes: This is a decently solid mango flavor though I feel Flavorah could bump up the potency a bit or just drop the prices already.

Link to a past review of FLV Mango by /u/kirkt

Flavor available at BCF here

Link to e-liquid-recipes notes on this flavor

Link to all of our flavor reviews in the wiki

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