Flavorah Green Apple


Setup: Recoil w/ flavor barrel, Dual 15 wrap 26g 3mm Nifethal 70 coils @.15 ohms. 60w power, 450F temp limit. Full Cotton Wicks.

Testing: FLV Green Apple @ 1% and 1 drop per 10ml, 60/40 VG/PG, Steeped 8 days.

Flavor Description: Tart and sweet green apple, leans a bit toward candy but not straight jolly ranchers. Dense apple body, with a fair amount of juiciness depending on percentage. Moderately harsh and sharp. Use at around .5% for an accent and closer to 2% for a primary flavor.

Inhale is a bit sharp and tart, with higher green, slightly acetone candy notes and a deeper juicy base. Moderately dense, and on the sweet side. Exhale has green apple up front, somewhere between jolly ranchers and a crisper, tart realistic green apple. Top notes are a bit grassy, and have a touch of that same acetone off flavor. Sweeter full base. Exhale feels a bit dryer and fuller than inhale, but I'm missing a bit of the juiciness that you get on the inhale. Flavor feels just a bit disjointed, like the more aggressive top notes aren't quite meshing into the base. Moderate amount of harshness. Lingering sticky mouthfeel and some higher, astringent parts of the top notes.

Off-flavors: Acetone and grassy notes in the top notes, but that seems pretty par for the course for green apples. At higher percentages, I'm getting a bit of a dairy funk in the base.

Throat Hit: Pretty harsh as a S&V, seems to die down a bit with a steep. Still ends up moderately harsh.

Uses & Pairings: Pretty standard green apple flavor. Leans a bit toward candy, so it'll probably be good to mix with sweeter, fuller fruit flavors for a candy spin on a fruit mix. If you want to keep a fruit mix brighter and fresher, use this a lower accent instead of a primary flavor.

A bit sharp for cream mixes, but it can probably be done with a heavier cream or custard base. This is going to push around lighter creams.

Good, sharper accent for juicier apple flavors.


Concentration testing, .25% doesn't feel like a full flavor. Higher sour, tart notes come through pretty clearly but there isn't much of a base to it. .5% is actually pretty good, that base apple flavor is coming through a bit clearer. Not super aggressive and full down that low, but pretty well balanced. 1% is mostly sweeter than .5%, Tarter, sweeter, and those top notes are getting fairly aggressive. 1.5% is a bit rounder and sweeter than 1%. Tartness seems to be dying back down a bit, but i'm getting some clearer, sharp acetone and grassy flavors in the top notes. Sweetness is getting a bit juicy again. 2% is fuller, and juicier, but I'm getting some yogurt tang in there. 3% seems like too much on this flavor, getting a bit bitter and chemical. Percentage recommendations are going to be based on how up front you want this flavor. Seems like it works as a pretty solid accent at .5%, and a fuller up front green apple with a candy edge at 1.75-2.25%.

Will FLV Granny Smith be a crisp, realistic green apple? The suspense...

Second Opinions:

My only friend, the deleted user:

"More apple juice than fresh apple. Subtle sour apple notes. Juicy — stimulates salivation (again - is that slight acidity??). A lot of ester-y fruitiness on the front of the tongue but not big in your face apple flavor. Well-balanced with no odd flavors.

Very pretty with a drop of spearmint as a bright, simple ADV. Try as a carrier fruit flavor under more volatile fruit flavors. Try in delicate mixes. Try in ciders. Try with dry tobacco flavors."

ELR Page page is a little thin, but a couple useful notes on there.

/u/skiddlzninja/ included some notes on recipe post in a FOTW for Apple:

"FLV Green Apple is more like the caramel apple lollipops that are handed out for Halloween, and seem to have a shelf-life that makes one feel uncomfortable just sharing the same spot in the universe as them. A delicious candy, and an unsettling anomaly. Nonetheless, it's a great tart candy-like apple flavor, and I'm using it here to gear Fuji closer towards a Granny Smith apple."

u/cannibalcastaway/ included a short note in a post of FLV tastings:

"Green Apple - I had really high hopes for this, but since I am accustomed to the fantastic FA Fuji Apple, I shoudlnt be suprised that this didnt measure up. I do add 1% of it to the mix in my Sour apple Gummi bear recipe, which has become very popular among my circle of friends and juice-dependent associates."

Heres the Flavorah product page. Their description: "A familiar apple flavor. This is a crisp and aromatic candy apple, not the caramel apple type. This flavor blends well with other soft fruit flavors, like banana and cantaloupe. It is also a good fruit flavor along with menthol, custard, or tobacco."

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