Flavorah Candy Roll


Setup: Recoil w/ flavor barrel, Dual 15 wrap 26g 3mm Nifethal 70 coils @.15 ohms. 60w power, 450F temp limit. Full Cotton Wicks.

Testing: FLV Candy Roll @ .5% solo, others noted, 60/40 VG/PG, Steeped 9 days.

Flavor Description: A sweet, tart, and slightly fruity candy texture additive. Solo, tastes quite a bit like sweet-tarts, although probably better mixed. Effects vary pretty drastically depending on percentage used. Gets dry and powdery as you go higher, but that's kind of the point.

Solo, the inhale is sweet with a pretty indistinct candy fruit and tartness. Does taste quite a bit like the general powdery fruit-ish taste of smarties or the inside of cheaper, larger jellybeans. In the ELR Reviews, /u/altneurose/ says it tastes "similar to mixing TPA Strawberry and CAP Sweet Tangerine," and despite not really tasting strawberry in general, i'd say at least the Cap Sweet Tangerine thing is dead on. Full mouthfeel, with a chalky texture. Exhale is interesting. First part of the exhale is all sweet-tarts. Chalky, bright fruit with a pronounced tartness in the top notes. Still very sweet, but the texture helps to offset that a bit. Back half of the exhale calms down a bit, with a richer, gummy mouthfeel. Tastes a bit like pineapple gummy bears, or the top notes from TPA Dragonfruit. Lingering sugar lips and tartness.

Off-flavors: Some gummier taste on the back-end, but it doesn't feel wrong for the profile.

Throat Hit: A bit, both from the tartness and the chalkyness. Helps to sell the profile though.

Additive Tests:

2% DIYFS Holy Vanilla, .25% FLV Candy Roll: Gives this some really interesting texture. Somewhere between a vanilla jelly bean and the marshmallowesque filling from a charleston chew. Adds some sweetness, but not overwhelming at .25%. Adds a good deal of fullness to the vape, without getting too dry or chalky. .25% seems like a good percentage to use this as a texturizer for candy fillings. Also working really well with the creaminess of Holy Vanilla, without bringing in any kind of chemical off-notes you can get with other candy texturizers.

3% FW Root Beer, .5% FLV Candy Roll: This one is a bit more interesting. Definitely getting a bit dryer as the percentage of candy roll goes up. Also noticeably sweeter. Seems to also be pushing up the sharper notes on the Root Beer. After those sharper notes settle in and mellow a bit, kind of tastes like candy root beer bottle caps, with some added weirdness from the spice notes. Maybe avoid anything too spicy, sharp, or floral unless that's your thing. Could actually be used with floral concentrates to really push those floral notes up and make floral candies.

4% OSDIY Blue Raspberry Slush, 1% FLV Candy Roll: At 1%, this is definitely spot on to a sweet tart. Quite a bit tarter than Smarties, but just as chalky. Just reinforces the candy sweetness of the blue raspberry and gives the entire thing a chalky, candy texture. At 1% and over, this could be the silver bullet for any kind of chalky or powdery candy.

Notes: Not really a solo flavor for me, more of a texturizer. General usage guidelines would be something like .25 for a jellybean like consistency, and .75%-1.5% to really take advantage of those sweet powdery notes. If you really want a straight sweet-tart vape, mix at 2% and go to town.

Second Opinions:

Here's the ELR Page. Not a ton of detail, but a couple of quick takes.

Heres the Flavorah product page. Their description: "Candy roll is a sweet fruit base note to use with fruits and berries. It imparts the flavor of a rolled candy like Smarties or Sweetarts that can be an excellent canvas for other fruit."

DIY_eJuice Flavor Reviews

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