Flavorah Biscotti


Setup: Griffin RTA 22mm; Fused Clapton .2Ω; cotton wicks; 90W; 3mg/ml Nicotine

Testing: FLV Biscotti @.5% aged:0 Days Mixed at: 70/30 vg/pg

Base Price Point: 5.49/15ml

Flavorah Description:

Very creamy, dry and sweet. Touch of caramel and cinnamon. Could be a holiday cookie because it makes you feel really cozy and relaxed.

Disclaimer: I've never eaten a Biscotti before so I am going into this with no idea if this is accurate to the flavor or not I'm just going based on the following google description:

Biscotti, known also as cantuccini, are Italian almond biscuits that originated in the city of Prato. They are twice-baked, oblong-shaped, dry, crunchy and dipped in a drink, traditionally Vin Santo.

Flavor description: This tastes pretty faithful to how a biscotti is described. You get a incredibly dry tasting biscuit with some almond notes in the exhale. This flavor is also pretty complex. The dryness isn't one dimensional and incredibly accurate to a very dry cookie/biscuit flavor. Other cookie/biscuit flavors have a single flavor cookie/biscuit they appease to. This you can practically taste the the "twice baked" flavor. It, initially, has a baked flavor on the inhale and on the exhale you can taste a slight burnt biscuit flavor. This doesn't seem to have any bitter notes you would expect it might have. This has, to me, the most accurate representation of a almond flavor that I've tried yet. Not a raw almond flavor but a baked almond flavor.

First Impressions: This stuff is strong as hell. Using this over 1% is a guaranteed bottle down the drain. At least in my experience, it will over take any other flavors you mixed with it. The background flavors changed based on how much you use. .25%-.75% this flavor has pretty different characteristics. On the lower end of things you get a very mellow version of a biscotti with almost no almond notes. .75% you get the full package. The higher you go the drier it gets. This flavor doesn't seem to get really wonky the higher you use it just the same flavor you normally get but really gets very unvapeable. 1.5% this stuff is damn intense to vape. All of the flavors hit you all at once with a vengeance. There are recipes on ATF that have this at 3% and I personally think that is way too high considering how bad this overtakes an entire mix easily.

Throat hit: Nothing of note/ surprisingly incredibly smooth

Off-flavors: I'm having a hard time describing what flavor I'm getting. Flavorah says this has caramel and cinnamon but I'm not getting any cinnamon and a slight burnt caramel flavor from this. Tastes almost boozy. Inline with a rum or bourbon. It's not off putting by any means but worth mentioning.

This flavor will linger on your wicks for what seems like hours. I have a habit of changing flavors throughout the day and I can always taste this in the background after I quit vaping it hours earlier.

Uses: If you wish to have a drier flavor with some nutty,baked complexities in the background this will be a good go to. I recommend this flavor from .25%-.75%. I've used it up to 1.5% and it's all you can taste in the mix. No matter what I threw at it. I didn't notice the flavor calms down very much after a steep either. At least doesn't let anything else through if you use this too high.

Second Opinions:

From ELR Notes:

I've been working with Biscotti (FLV) and I'm pretty impressed with it so far. My 1st mix with it was at 1.5% and it was STRONG. My recent mixes I've lowered to .7% and I'm getting a much better cookie flavor from it. It reminds me of those flower shaped butter cookies with hole in the center. It imparts a buttery, vanilla and a slight lemon note. It definitely delivers a crunch type effect also. My test are still early, but this flavor shows potential. My feeling is that this flavor can affect a mix below .7%.

From Flavorah's website

At first mix it was strong but after a few days it mellowed into a delicious vape. Hints of almond.


10 Day Steep Update: This flavor is relatively the same across the board. There is about a 10-15% drop in the intensity in regards how potent this was first mixed. But the flavor overall hasn't changed much beyond calming down just a tad bit.

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