Flavour Art Wow


Percentage Used: 5%


Equipment Used: Cleito tank with a .4 ohm Kanthal clapton coil at 35W.


PG/VG: 30/70


Steep Time: 4 and 12 Weeks


Aroma: Play doh, artificial strawberry, sugar.


Flavor Description: This is very clearly a fluffy fried (but not greasy) doughnut filled with a juicy and mostly artificial strawberry or red fruit jam type filling, rolled in powdered sugar. The powdered sugar is so authentic I can almost feel it on my tongue. The yeasty raised type of doughnut usually found with jelly filling, not the cake type. It's actually a very moist and complex flavor if you are one of those lucky people that taste the real thing instead of play doh with doughnut flavorings. Unfortunately, I have yet to find one at any percentage that doesn't bring back fond memories of arts and crafts fun with those lovely yellow tubs of rainbow colors. If you like CAP doughnut and others, you will like this a lot.


Off Flavors: Play Doh


Throat Hit: 2/10


Pairings: Strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, blackberry, yumberry, boysenberry, bavarian cream, creams, custards, nuts, vanilla, just 1 or 2 drops of jelly candy.


Notes: I'm sad. Very sad.And jealous of all you lovely people that actually taste doughnut and not Doh. This is that perfect doughnut vape I've been looking for.

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