Flavour Art White Peach


##FA White Peach
Thanks to /u/dazcole40 for review; cross post from DIYorDie Mixers Collective on FaceBook

Set up

  • Derringer rda
  • Single build
  • 6 wraps 26g
  • .5 ohms
  • 50pg/50vg
  • Tested @ 3%

Single Flavor Testing Notes

I could keep this one super quick and just say GO OUT AND BUY IT, IT'S THAT GOOD!! And it is its so so so nice.

If I'm honest I love peaches but I can't recall ever having a white peach. Peach however yeah I've had loads I love em but this white peach flavour is on par with a peach if anything I find it not as Juicy or sweet as peach but either way it's fantastic.

Again FA have produced a winner here spot on in accuracy, it's semi sweet, fresh and ripe and absolutely no harshness at all.

I can't say much more really just go and get some it's a must.

Create the perfect peach with Fa white peach and Fa peach

So play around its going to work in bakeries, diaries, desserts, beverages and other delicate fruits



Standalone 2-3%
In a recipe0.5-2.5%

Please if your opinion differs, or you have another review for this post it in the comments. Will help the master list with multiple reviews in one spot.

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