Flavour Art Summer Clouds


Setup: Recoil w/ flavor barrel, Dual 15 wrap 26g 3mm Nifethal 70 coils @.14 ohms. 60w power, 450F temp limit. Full Cotton Wicks.

Testing: FA Summer Clouds, 1 and 2.5%, 60/40 VG/PG, Steeped 7 days.

Flavor Description: Flavourart writes: "With a hint of Peach leading the line-up of delicate flavours, Summer Clouds delivers a delightfully light sensation to your taste buds, likened to the pure and gentle freshness of an English Rose in full bloom." So okay. I get mostly peach on the beginning on the vape, and florals coming in shortly thereafter. Peach note feels like a pretty generic yellow peach bordering on peach rings, especially as the concentration increases. It also feels like there is something else going on with the fruit. Definite zest heavy citrus to this, right on the tail end. It's hard to nail down, but it definitely doesn't feel like a lime or orange. If I had to guess it's lemon, although I wouldn't argue with Cheeba's assessment in the second opinions that it's a grapefruit. Also feels like there is a bit of extra red berry sweetness on that peach. Could be a strawberry or a raspberry, but it's pretty light and it may just be a heavier candy peach note. The description draws a comparison to an English rose, but I'm not sold that the floral here is rose... or at least not the straight up FA Rose flavor. I'm not getting much in way of the green, vegetal flavor I pick up with rose. It feels a bit more like the drier, chalky lavender they use. Floral note is prominent, but fairly well balanced and works well with the fruit that they are using. It's a well built, well balanced flavor, but it's definitely on the floral side. Seems like a pretty solid single flavor if you're into the profile, but I can see accentuating the florals or fruit and using this as a base flavor for something less delicate. This feel like it gets too floral quickly, I'd mix with this at about 2%.

Inhale is mostly peach. Kind of dry and sticky, with a medium sweetness. There is some floral sharpness to it, especially as the concentration goes up. I don't get much actual floral taste on the inhale, but you feel the florals in there. Moderately dense, but the dryness along with the stickier texture of that peach is a bit odd. Exhale opens with yellow peach, with maybe some additional red berry sweetness. Peach note borders on a heavy candy peach, and the sticky, dry mouthfeel just reinforces that. Florals kind of roar in after that. I get chalky floral top notes, more like a floral pastille than a greener, full flower. It doesn't taste like a rose, or at least it doesn't taste like FA Rose. It may end up being closer to TPA Rose Candy. It's a difficult to pick out a specific floral flavor, but it feels a lot like the drier, chalkier FA Lavender or a less intense version of FA Violet. Citrus picks up on the end of the vape. It's a slightly astringent, bitter, lemon zest kind of note. It feels just a bit tacked on and like a cleaning product scent. Mouthfeel is sticky from that peach, then dry from the florals and citrus. Not a really heavy, vibrant flavor but more restrained (I guess?) Lingering slightly bitter perfume and a bit of astringency from that citrus.

Off-flavors: Welp, it's called FA Dryer Sheets for a reason. The drier, chalky floral and the citrus zest can come across as reminiscent of a cleaning product after that initial burst of peach. Does it taste like an actual summer cloud? Seems to hit the profile they lay out.

Throat Hit: Some harshness from the fruit here. Not really overwhelming throat hit, but it can get a bit hard to vape and dry with that chalky floral note.

Uses & Pairings: For the floral fans only. Flavourart tries to trick you with the peach up front, but the florals here absolutely define this concentrate.

This could definitely work as a solo flavor at around 2% if that's what you're looking for. Everything here works, and it seems pretty well balanced, but it's a floral concentrate so just go in with your eyes open.

Outside of using this solo, It's a bit too peachy to just use the floral note... and it's way too floral to just use for the fruit. If you are in the small part of the venn diagram where your mix needs both peach and a pronounced floral note, then game on. I'd probably end up running with the florals here and actually accent them a bit with some TPA Cherry Blossom or FA Lavender. Also seems like a good fit for some Rose, if that's your thing. I think you could also punch up the fruit here with some more citrus, strawberry, or watermelon. If you are interested in something like a floral cream, this seems like a pretty safe bet as well.

Notes: Concentration testing, this is mostly about the floral note. At .25% and .5% I'm getting mostly light peach. There's a slight floral sharpness in there, but the florals seem pretty well integrated with whatever is going on underneath. At 1% the florals are coming in clear, but they still seem like an accent. Peach note is filling out a bit and pushing forwards toward peach rings. Light lemon zest note, almost seems to be adding a bit of sour to that candy peach note. 1.5% is a bit more candied on the peach. There is still something a bit more realistic here, but you're getting some more of that gummy texture. Florals are definitely kicking up a bit but still taste a little thin. 2% has candy peach. That citrus note is a bit more prominent, still mostly in the top notes and zest heavy. Florals have thickened up a bit. Pushing perfumey but thicker and less texturally out of place. 3% is feeling too floral, like eating peach rings while smelling perfume. I'd stay around 2% with this unless you're really after a heavy floral punch.

Second Opinions:

FWIW, this may be the genesis of the FA Dryer Sheets thing about this flavor. You probably shouldn't use this at 5%.

A lot of copies of user "boogenshizzle"'s notes on the ELR: "Peach is very bold and can be taken to peach rings (gummy) or natural peach with the addition of something fleshy.The citrus note is really barely noticeable and is more on the exhale. Slightly floral - Rose - like a petal of a rose. not so much like the candy, though I've mixed it with both roses." User "HollywoodVApes" adds: "So ok after trying this flavor solo it reminds me of peaches with a flowery note but I just couldnt pick out what I dont like and I swear I just figured it out! It has almost a baby powder taste to it. Very odd, I know, but thats me anyways and this flavor will definitely tone down any flavor you put it with even in small percentages. I would use it to down down really sharp peaches or maybe a tea. Maybe I will try in some others like chocolate that are heavy but all in all this is a very unique taste ;-)......I would say using this flavoring will cover others like a "Summer Cloud" HAHA." HAHA, indeed "HolllywoodVApes."

Largely solid reviews on BCF. The illustrious CheebaSteeba contributes: "So this is an interesting flavoring. The first thing that comes to mind to describe this one is "Mist." I wouldn't say it's "wet," but it certainly isn't dry. It has a slight floral note to it though it's difficult for me to pick out; if I had to guess I might say lavender. It does something pretty wonderful a tea mix I put it in playing off of the floral and earth notes. I get maybe a little bit of grapefruit too from it, but it's hard to say since I only SFT @ 1% and it's a fairly mild flavor."

DIY_eJuice Flavor Reviews

Bonus, incredibly rambling, video first test of Morning Sun, Cocoon, and Summer Clouds.

Shoutout to /u/ID10-T for suggesting this for review.

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