Flavour Art Oakwood


Setup: Velocity clone; dual twisted 24awg Ni/28awg kanthal @ .27Ω; cotton wicks; 45 W

Testing: Flavour Art Oakwood @ 3%; Aged: 3 weeks

Flavor description: Faintly woody with an inherent sweetness reminiscent of cheap caramel. Ever so slightly smokey through the first week, but that dies off after 2-3 weeks of steeping and you are left with a sweet woody tone. There isn't really much depth here.

Off-flavors: The inherent sweetness is a bit off to me, kind of like they should have called it "Sweet Wood" or something. There's also something there that mildly numbs my tongue at 3%.

Throat hit: 7/10 decent burn, but that sweetness helps bring it closer to the middle

Uses: Sweet, slightly woody accent to certain flavors @ 0.5-1%. Use at 3% is probably a bit high for this flavor.

Pairings: Tobaccos, nuts, booze, "toasted" flavorings, and maybe some herb/spice type flavors, or possibly even dark fruits.

Notes: I see this used prominently with tobacco and booze flavors, but depending on your mix, this might add a nice layer of depth with a cream/dark fruit combo. To me, it is more sweet than woody at 3%, and have not had much luck with getting "oakiness" out of it even at lower percentages. I don't recommend this as a standalone at all unless you are sampling and want to see for yourself.

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