Flavour Art Marshmallow


Noticed this was missing from the master flavor list, so here it is!

Setup: Velocity mini clone; Dual Clapton coils (24/34) at 0.3 ohms with 5 wraps on 65 watts. Full wicking.

Percentage/Steep: Tested at 2.8%. Started with no steep, finished at two weeks steeped.

Mouthfeel: Has a light to medium heaviness with a medium density. Smooth, but was a touch harsh (3/10) at the very end of the vape until after a week steep - then just smooth.

Flavor Notes: Starts as a slightly sweet marshmallow that is more sugar than anything else. After a week steep the flavor starts to develop a bit more, still sweet but tastes less 'fluffy' and more like a marshmallow found in cereal. At the end of a two week steep the cereal marshmallow taste shines best because the pure sugar taste dies off as does the 'fluffiness' of a regular marshmallow.

Relatable Flavors: Like the marshmallows found in Lucky Charms.

Off-flavors: Weird plastic-like taste is present at the front of the vape for the first three days but dies down after a week steep.

Position in Recipe: Works great to add volume or density to a vape when used in the base or as an accent note. Also can add a bit of sweetness to fruit mixes.

As usual, please let me know anything I can do to improve my notes, or post your own notes/opinions on this flavoring in the comments.

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