Flavour Art Fried Bacon


Setup: Wasp Nano RDA, full cotton wicks, 0.48ohm, 35W, 70/30 VG/PG 3mg

1% Fried Bacon - steeped 7 days

This is smoky, incredibly smoky. At the end of the exhale under all the smoke there's a background of meat, reminds me more of cooked ham than bacon but it's definitely meaty. Thick-ish mouthfeel and pretty dry. After a few hits the overwhelming smoke has either died down or killed my tongue, the meaty flavour is now coming to the front. Still too much smoke for my tastes, much like it's been left in the smoker too long.

Possible usage? It but might possibly work as a smoky additive but you'd probably have to go low, not sure if the meaty flavour would still come through though, as it's not subtle. A strong concentrate is probably needed to stand up to this as it's incredibly potent.

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