Flavour Art Cooked Ham


Warning: this flavour is not on the "vapable" list from FA, also this is my first online flavour review so I have clearly copied the format. Finally I am new and so everything should be taken with a grain of salt.

Setup: My oldest least loved RTA, a troll with dual Kanthal Flat claptons running at 50 watts (0.15 ohms).
Testing: FlavourArt Cooked Ham. 1.5% with the rest VG no nicotine, shake and vape.
Flavour Description: Straight away it smells like ham, like warm ham you just pulled out of the oven if you cooked one, its pretty strong, normally I have to put a bottle up to my nose to get the smell but I can smell this as soon as I get the lid off.

On the inhale, well it tastes like a big chunk of cold ham from the fridge, a little sweeter than normal, like maybe you covered it in honey but with none of the honey deliciousness.

The exhale is more "hot ham", almost over cooked but you know what, other than the fact I am inhaling hot ham it's not so bad.

It's pretty wet from what I can tell, and watery its not really got a "body" to it at all, but it has a lot of inhale and exhale flavour, the troll normall gives me very little flavour but this its really right up in your face, even after the exhale the flavour is there in my throat. In saying that there is nothing that can't be removed with a sip of beer so it's not totally disgusting.

Off-flavours: ~~Now I have chuffed through a refill, (I was enjoying it okay) I seem to be getting a slight metallic after taste, not one that I have ever had on these coils... I am not sure what that is about.~~ Changed out the old coils, all is good again, hot ham heaven.

Uses & Pairings: It has me interested, probably not at 1.5% again, but I have some Cured ham I am going to try next. Maybe it could be layered, maybe it could be put with some Kentucky Bourbon and some pineapple or honey but I think down very low like 0.25%. Its not bad but it's no single flavour.

I would like to know if anyone had some non sweet ideas for melon, and for giving it a more meaty body, and some butter, I think it needs butter.

Second Opinions: None that I could find (not sure if that says more about me or others sense of adventure?)

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