Flavour Art Cola


Setup: Velocity clone; dual twisted 28awg @ .55Ω; cotton wicks; 40 W

Testing: FA Cola @ 3%; Aged: 2 weeks

Flavor description: Generic grocery store cola taste with notes of citrus, kind of like it was mixed with Squirt, Sprite, or 7up. I can't say it tastes like Coke or Pepsi, but it is reminiscent of some sort of dark cola. Strangely, this flavor seems more "bubbly" than some champagne flavors I've tried.

Off-flavors: I'm getting a slight plastic taste, and the citrus note bothers me a bit simply because it seems like it shouldn't be there.

Throat hit: 7/10

Uses: Due to it's nature, this flavor will play into a soda type of mix very well. It could also be used to give a slight "carbonated" effect. I would stay under 3% or it could get perfumey.

Pairings: Booze flavors (Rum seems to be very common), preferred fruits (FA Black Cherry seems to be the most popular), Koolada.

Notes: This is a clear flavoring and seems really nice on your coils. As stated, I do taste a slight citrus note, but that may be due to how the flavor smells too. I'm really on the fence about the nature of this flavor, so I'm hoping for some added input in the comments.

EDIT: Link to all of our flavor reviews in the wiki

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