Flavour Art Breakfast Cereals


Setup: Recoil w/ flavor barrel, Dual 12 wrap 24g 3.5mm SS316 @.33 ohms. 60w power, 450F temp limit. Full Cotton Wicks.

Testing: Flavourart Breakfast Cereals, 1.5% and 3%, 60/40 VG/PG base, Steeped 38 days.

Flavor Description: Cerealish, but I'll be damned if I can figure out exactly what kind.

Flavourart calls this "the flavour of chocolate milk combined with red fruits and hazelnuts." Luckily, I get basically none or all of those things depending on when I pick this up.

The primary flavor seems to be a dry cereal grain. Probably not corn, and not quite as dark as bran. So oats? Rice? More of a generic slightly malty cereal taste. Somewhere between cheerios and life cereal. Dry, without that promised milky effect. No harder AP crunch to this.

It is definitely sweet though. Sweetness is all over the place. I get a moderate honey-ish sweetness on the inhale and more of a dry meringue type powdered sugar on the exhale. Doesn't really feel "frosted" so much as just sweet.

Maybe FA is just screwing with us with that description, but I can maybe see the chocolate and hazelnut thing. If it's there, it's subtle. I occasionally get a dry kind of nutella chocolate underlying that dry grain flavor. It almost has a chocolate glazed donut flavor that sneaks in occasionally. At very high percentages there is something lightly fruity in here but I'd hesitate to pin it too specifically to a single "red fruit." Mostly shows up in the middle of the exhale. Maybe tastes like there were some dried strawberries involved in here at some point.

Either I'm completely broken, or this flavor is all over the place.

Off-Flavors: There's a whole lot going on here, but nothing that tastes unpleasant.

Throat Hit: Not really.

Percentage testing: This flavor seems to vary wildly based on percentage used.

At 1.5%, I get a pretty solid grain out of this. Again, sort of nondescript. Doesn't taste like corn, doesn't go as dark as bran. Fairly sweet. There's something about the sweetness and the grain that really reminds me of a glazed donut type of flavor. Very light on whatever accents of whatever else is going on here.

At 3%, grain doesn't feel all that much prominent but it seems to be getting drier and picking up more of a flat wheat character. The sweetness has also picked up quite a bit but feels less like a honey and more like straight white sugar. Fruitiness seems to hit harder at 3% then either higher or lower. Light, dryish strawberry in the top notes. Just a bit of that weird chocolate base.

Still not sure what was going on here, I mixed this up at a vaguely absurd 5%... and it's not awful. I've only got a couple days of steeping on this sample, so YMMV. That grain note picks up quite a bit and starts to taste like shredded wheat. It's up this high where the base really gets that nutella chocolate kind of twinge to it.

So, just based on these tests, I'd be using this on the lower side for that sweet ceral note. I'd probably be between 1-2% if you're not looking to boost up a chocolate paired with it. I'd take it up to 4% if those weirder chocolate and strawberry notes work with your profile and you're going to be moistening this somehow.

Uses & Pairings: Whatever's going on here, the cereal grain in this is definitely the primary flavor.Looking at the recipes on ATF using this flavor you've got in used as the grain in a pie crust, a generic cereal grain, and part of the coating for a fried ice cream. Seems like a pretty good use for this.

The more I vape this, the more I'm convinced there is some kind of chocolate in here. Could make a decent base for a chocolate cereal with some additional chocolate. Seems more like cocoa pebbles than cocoa puffs, but you could probably mess around with that grain note a bit to fit into whatever chocolate cereal shaped vessel you choose.

At lower percentages, the sweetness really does come across like a glazed donut. I could see backing this up some zeppola for a glazed donut base that doesn't taste like play-dough.

Second Opinions: This is probably more straight-forward than I'm assuming, based on the second opinions here.

Jennifer Jarvis has a pretty complete breakdown up on her FlavorPro site.

Here's the ELR Page. User "juice junkie" has a percentage breakdown up, some selected excerpts: "0.5% A really light grainy note. Nice grainy flavor but a bit light. No off notes... 2% This reminds me of the flakes in Honey Bunches of Oats Cereal. Its grainy, a little sweet, and has some wheat notes to it. The only off note I get from this is that I feel like I taste peanuts a little at this percentage." User "TwinsWin" also tastes chocolate, so maybe I'm not nuts: "I tested it at 4%. The flavor I got reminded me of cream of wheat or even coco wheats. But its almost malty like malted milk with a little chocolate. This flavor wants to be made into a Whoppers vape."

BCF has a couple of fairly comprehensive 5-stars up on their product page. User "Amber" writes: "It is a grainy, oat cereal with a smidgen of honey, but also has a very distinctive malt taste as well. It's not an overwhelming malt, but more of a milky, soft malty flavor that seems to lift dairy and cream flavors within a recipe. I personally like this with mellow, sweet tobacco flavors, it adds a really unique crunchy flavor. If you like cereal flavors, it is certainly worth trying. Superb flavor!" User "Jennifer Harman" writes: "This flavor is a superb Oat Cereal. It's Oats, with maybe a smidge of faint honey and nuts (or another grain) in the back round. It is definitely a dry cereal, so you will want some sort of dairy component to it. No Raisin! Which means it can work in a bunch of different ways from Honey Nut Cheerios, to Hot Oatmeal, so Apple Crisp. Many possibilities!"

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