Flavour Art Black Cherry


Setup: troll v1; dual 24g SS316 6 wrap; full cotton wicks

Testing: FlavourArt Cherryl (Black Cherry) at 1.5% aged: 2 days 70/30 vg/pg 1.5mg nic

Flavor description Medicinal cherry flavor with sort of a fucked up raspberry vibe. I’m getting a small amount of green, floral bits and just an inkling of citrus sharpness on top. There’s a black cherry flavor underneath all this other stuff, mainly an off brand cherry robitussin vibe. Missing the tartness and delicious darkness of a black cherry.

Off-flavors: Medicinal and floral, only increases with %.

Throat hit: Pretty smooth, not much.

Uses: I bought this to try out Pebbles. It was alright but not my cup of tea. So now I use this sometimes to sweeten other berries/fruits right around .5%. If you’re going for a cherry flavor I’d stay at 1% or less and maybe combine with another cherry flavor. (Might try .5% FA black cherry to 1% FA cherry; again, leaving black cherry below 1%)

Pairings: Chocolate, cola, citrus, other darker berries, maybe apricot/peach, vanilla.

Notes: Not too much to note. I don’t like this flavor much on it’s own but it can be useful in some mixes. Not a complete fail by FA and some people may even like the cough syrup vibe.

Second Opinions

Plenty of mixed reviews and HIC copypasta on ELR

HIC notes: Here is the one for perfect cherry cola, oh yeah! (try 4% Cola with 2% Black Cherry).Black Cherry is a natural fruit flavor, not a candy flavor - but if you add it to very sweet flavors, you can coax cherry hard-candy flavor from it.Start very low (fraction of a percent) with Black Cherry if your mix uses milder flavors or it will completely overrun them. Great to sweeten other strong, dark fruits and berries, like Bilberry, Pomegranate, and Blackcurrant.Makes excellent cherry brandy (add a touch of FA's Brandy) or cherry rum (mix with FA Jamaican Rum) to use in cocktail recipes.For baked fruit flavor in bakery mixes, try adding a touch of Brandy or Jamaican Rum along with it.Combines great with FA Almond for a bold cherry-almond addition to any recipe.If you're looking to make a cherry tobacco, Black Cherry is probably the one you want (as opposed to Cherry).For light, subtle, or background cherry flavor, you might prefer FA Cherry. The two cherry flavors work well together, usually with more Cherry than Black Cherry for a balanced flavor.

Overall good reviews on BCF and ECX

some people mention harshenss but I don’t get any at this %.

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