Decadent Vapours Orangella


Setup: Recoil w/ flavor barrel, Dual 15 wrap 26g 3mm Nifethal 70 coils @.13 ohms. 60w power, 450F temp limit. Full Cotton Wicks.

Testing: Decandent Vapours Orangella @ 5 and 10% 60/40 VG/PG, Steeped 7 days.

Flavor Description: Orangina (warning: link contains hilarious sexy animals, but there is technically a bottle of the stuff in the corner. It's just too beautiful not to share.) Not quite an orange soda, not quite orange juice. Kind of tastes like orange pith and Tang mixed together, but a whole lot better than that sounds. A bit sweet for straight navel oranges, with a bit of something that feels quite a bit like carbonation. Works really well as a single flavor, but feels like it would get watered down really quickly in a mix. Needs around 10% to get going, although good up to about 15%.

Inhale has sharper orange right up front. Not really a zest flavor, per se, but some of that same kind of peel oil brightness and just a bit of bitterness that reminds of the actual skin and pith on an orange segment. Maybe a bit bright and sweet for normal grocery store navel orange, closer to a tangerine but not too candied. Sticky sweetness underneath that, with a lot of texture if not a real density. Almost gritty, simulating some carbonation. Exhale is pretty spot on for the aforementioned Orangina. Orange zest top notes but less bitter and sharp. Base flavor tastes a lot like Tang, definitely citrus but not a whole lot of body. Still pulling off the carbonated thing fairly well. Sugary sweet but not cloying, really well balanced overall. I get some moderate harshness on the exhale, with lingering orange pith.

Off-flavors: I'm not sure if this was meant to be modelled on the orange version of limoncello, but it doesn't really hit that for me. It's a bit too light and sparkling for the heavy and syrupy orangella. For something pushing towards Orangina, no off flavors.

Throat Hit: Moderate. It's definitely there. Not horrific for a citrus but still a bit harsh on the exhale.

Uses & Pairings: I wouldn't mess with this too much. Between the balance of the tarter more realistic orange, the Tang-ish body, and the carbonation I don't feel like this needs a lot of help anywhere to pull off a sparkling orangeade. I could see maybe a lime accent, or some cooling if you're feeling crazy, but adding other strong non-citrus flavors is going to to screw your balance up and I can see that Tang base getting watery pretty quickly.

Notes: So pretty par for the course for Decadent Vapours, this is going to end up needing a high percentage to really come through. At 5% it's thin. You get mostly the Tang out of this, with the more realistic orange notes and carbonation way too light. At 7.5% it still feel pretty thin. More realistic orange, but still tastes pretty watery. 10% is a a bit disconcertingly light for such a high percentage, but it's starting to feel like a full flavor. Realistic orange, Tang, and carbonation is all present. 12.5% is orangier, seems like a better single flavor option than 10%. I'm getting a pretty noticeable uptick in harshness though. 15% is fairly harsh but tastes more like an orange than Orangina. Pretty harsh though.

Second Opinions: Not a lot for the concentrate.

Here's the product page from Decadent Vapours, their description is "A mellow, mouth-watering all-day-vape with a main body of fleshy orange and a welcomed subtle tanginess at the finish."

Here are some reviews for the finished juice (probably 20% at 50/50...

An actual written juice review. They dug it: "Fantastic flavour. The orange tastes real rather than an overly sweet cordial while at the same time manages to keep things smooth on the inhale."

And another one... "Very lite fresh flavours perfect for a warm summers day, giving you a real sense of freshness with every vape. And just the right amount of sweetness at the tip of your tongue."

DIY_eJuice Flavor Reviews

H/T to /u/ID10-T/ for the suggestion.

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