Decadent Vapours Mojito


Disclaimer: I didn't pay for this, shoutout to Decadent Vapours for sending this to me.

Setup: Recoil w/ flavor barrel, Dual 12 wrap 24g 3.5mm SS316 @.31 ohms. 60w power, 450F temp limit. Full Cotton Wicks.

Testing: Decadent Vapours Mojito, 5% and 10%, 60/40 VG/PG base, Steeped 22 days.

Flavor Description: Mint forward sweet mojito flavor with rum and lime accents.

The mint kind of dominates here. I'm not getting anything too leafy or green, but the mentholation is a definitely a spearmint and not a more generic peppermint. Maybe not so much muddled mint, but it's not too bad based on the some of the spearmints I've tasted. Moderate coolness here, not painfully icy but fairly cold overall without blasting the profile out entirely with raw tasting menthol. I am getting plenty of the sugar from the muddled mint though. Pretty sweet overall, but it tastes like more of a white sugar sweetness without any really aggressive aspartame type notes. Overall stops short of full toothpaste, at least the tested percentages.

The rum here is pretty competent. Not really boozy, but definitely has a white rum kind of funk to it. Rum doesn't really ever step up to the front of the vape to me, but it fills in the gaps pretty well. What I can taste of it seems pretty accurate to white rum, but the sweetness makes it kind of hard to get a read on.

The lime component here is relatively sharp. The combo of the mint and the lime can come across just a little bit cleaning product but settles down a bit. Not too candied, but definitely sharp without having a realistic zest note. More like Rose's lime juice than a couple of lime wedges. I do pick up a bit of warmth and waxiness from the lime, especially with prolonged vaping.

Overall the balance is probably mint heavy, but the balance is alright if you want that more artificial mojito flavor.

I mean, the concentrate doesn't seem like half sugar syrup so it's already better than FW Mojito. No major coil gore after vaping through 15mls of this stuff.

Off-Flavors: More of a "mojito" flavor than an actual mojito. Mint is a bit aggressive, lime is one dimensional, and over all it's pretty sweet.

Throat Hit: Moderate, but spearmint, rum, and lime are all fairly throaty to start. Nothing chemical or unpleasant.

Percentage testing: At 5%, this feels a bit more balanced than higher concentrations. Lighter rum, moderate lime, and moderate spearmint. It's also not cloyingly sweet. Probably doesn't taste like an actual mojito, but not bad at all.

At 10% the mint is quite a bit more aggressive and that sweetness takes off a bit. Starting to get a bit of a mint gum vibe from the relatively heavy mentholation and higher sweetness. Rum is getting pushed around pretty bad, but the lime mostly works here.

DV has their usual vaguely lunatic 20% suggested mixing percentage and that kind of seems like overkill. Based on how that mint is ramping up and bullying the rest of the juice, I'd probably stop well short of that. Just based on these tests, I'd probably go around 6-8% with this a relatively strong primary flavor. I tried a S&V with this at 20% and that mint and sweetness was going full toothpaste to me.

Uses & Pairings: Works pretty well as a solo flavor. I mean, you could just add some VT Light Rum to hammer that booziness in a bit. I'd maybe add some TPA Champagne to thin this out a bit as well, but that's just me.

Decent base to throw a pretty aggressive fruit note in as well. It's a bit of steamroller so you'd want to use a heavier hand with your fruit percentages.

Second Opinions: Again, my googling has failed me.

Here's the product page from DV. Their description: "A deep rum body, with zesty lime, notes of citrus and a rounded finish of fresh spearmint."

DIY_eJuice Flavor Reviews

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