DIY Flavor Shack Sugar Cream


Setup Mutation v4, Dual 26/32 N80 Clapton 7 wrap 3mm id, 50 watts, full wicks

Testing DIYFS Sugar Cream 3% 70%VG steep 3 days

Flavor Description Sweet brown sugar cream. Just a touch of butter and maple. Brown sugar is the most prominent flavor and I think that’s why this stuff is super brown in color. Not overly sweet at 3% but any more and your juice will be chocolaty brown. Overall sweeter and more dense than TPA brown sugar extra.

Off-flavors: None really, was expecting more of a white sugar cream but I am pleasantly surprised.

Throat Hit: Lil somethin somethin (4/10)

Uses: This is definitely something I would use as a final touch to a recipe that calls for sweet brown sugar. I think of pancakes, baked goods and custards. Really rich flavor, this would shine in a lot of recipes at 1-3%, I hope people pick this up because I will be using it and hopefully releasing a couple recipes. I have been chasing a great pancake/waffle vape for a while; I think this would compliment maple well. Also this would be great for any kind of cookie.

Pairings: Some fruits like apple, pineapple, strawberries, plums, apricot, banana, stuff like that. Custards and creams for days. Vanilla, caramel, butterscotch, nuts, coffee. Would work to add buttery notes and creaminess as well as brown sugar to just about anything. Bakery stuff is the obvious pairing here.

Notes: This stuff is tasty standalone, its not too sweet even though from smelling it I thought there was sugar in the bottle. The buttery notes make this something I could vape by itself and I am enjoying finishing the tester bottle.

Definitely think I could have steeped this longer and I would bet it just gets better.

At 1% getting brown sugar and some butter, not as dense feeling as it is at 3% but still there.

Second Opinions

Not much out there but a funny 4 star review on DIYFS website tastes amazing at 30%, anything less than that is just barely an additive!

That review is from 2013 and the two previous are from 2011.

I think this is interesting and worth picking up a 3.7ml to try out, I bought a sample pack along with a 60ml of holy vanilla. Will be reviewing their nutella, pomegranate, chocolate cookie rounds, angel food cake, maniacal melon (apple/watermelon) and the holy grail ry4 after it steeps. Not sure if I will review holy vanilla, but that shit is bomb and whatever reviews are out there are spot on. I am doing these reviews because I am sure that Holy Vanilla can’t be their one hit wonder. I don’t think sugar cream is the next big thing though: if Holy Vanilla is an A+, this one I would give about a B maybe B+ if used right.

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