DIY Flavor Shack Pomegranate
Setup Mutation v4, Dual 26/32 N80 Clapton 7 wrap 3mm id, 50 watts, full wicks
Testing DIYFS Pomegranate 7% 70%VG steep 3 days
Flavor Description I don’t know. It’s like a shitty raspberry candy. Not very tart or juicy. Its sweet and got a slight tinge of household cleaner notes and artificial raspberry. Lacks the darkness, juiciness or deliciousness of pomegranate flavor.
Off-flavors: The whole thing. Not even close to a pomegranate.
Throat Hit: at first it was harsh, after three days though (3/10)
Uses: This is useless. Its also dyed a pink/red color. I don’t know for a fact whether it is dye but why would it be pink. Will not use, do not recommend.
Pairings: The drain
Notes DIY flavor shack has other good shit. They also have a line called flavors array (more concentrated line) and I hope those fruit flavors are better. I said I would review Maniacal Melons (watermelon apple flavor) and I will next but it is also a let down just not as bad as this.
Second Opinions
A review from 2013 saying its very pom! maybe my taste buds are fucked but this is bad