DIY Flavor Shack Nutella


Setup Mutation v4, Dual 26/32 N80 Clapton 7 wrap 3mm id, 50 watts, full wicks

Testing DIYFS Nutella 5% 70%VG steep 3 days

Flavor Description Pretty spot on standalone nutella flavor. Pleasant sweet cocoa flavor with a hazelnut finish. Could be more dense/creamy but there’s some creaminess. The inhale is like popping open a bottle of nutella.

Off-flavors: Nothing. Could be a little more chocolaty.

Throat Hit: Not much (1/10)

Uses: Whatever you put Nutella on. I think this could be a nice standalone at like 6-8%. Maybe add marshmallow or a cream. At 5% here it could be a nice nutella/cocoa/nutty base, I don’t think this flavor is very strong so I am not sure how I would use it at lower % yet.

Pairings: Nutella goes with whatever you want it to go with.

Notes: Tasty stuff, definetly the best flavor that I’ve tried from DIYFS aside from Holy Vanilla.

Its brown, super brown, definitely going to gunk as much as any chocolate would.

Second Opinions

Really there’s nothing out there, no reivews on DIYFS site and couldn’t find this on ELR.

I’d give this an A- because there’s no off flavors and does a good job of quenching my chocolate fix. Tastier than TPA double chocolate clear, and I have no comment on INW Milk Chocolate because I’ve yet to find an application which it works for me.

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