Delosi Flavors Ice -- Original


##DF Ice - Original##

This flavoring is just what I've always wanted in a coolant; it's like dropping an ice cube in your recipe. It waters the flavors down slightly and adds a super subtle, wonderful coolness. It works great as an accent to drink or cocktail recipes. One thing to note is that in using other coolants, it is much less potent -- you'll want to use it around 1-2% to get the effect you're looking for instead of 0.25%-1% (for those that go higher than 1% with TFA Koolada or something similar you will not be impressed with the level of cooling on this flavoring). This flavoring works really well with heavy/forward flavors or syrupy flavors since it does seem to subdue flavors a bit with diluted watery-ness. Where I get off flavors from things like TFA Koolada, I really get no flavor at all from this one. The best way to describe it is if you dropped some ice or ice-water in your recipe.

On the Nose

Recommended Usage
Stand alone: 3-5%

In a mix: 1-2%


Ideal Pairings
Cocktails, sodas, beverages

1-3 Days

Recipe Inclusion: Wolf Cola
Ratio: 30PG/70VG
Steep: S&V

Ingredient|%| :--|:--| DF Ice -- Original|1.5%| FA Cola (USA Pleasure)|4%| FLV Rich Cinnamon|0.125%| INW Marzipan|1%|

This recipe tastes like a liter a' cola you got at the drive through that's been sitting for about 20 mins; right as it's super refreshing, slightly effeversecnt still, and diluted with much needed water (ice). The FA cola obviously carries most of the flavor, gaining a nice cherry body from the marzipan and using the ice to carry the flavor into a refreshing territory. One drop of Rich Cinnamon/30mL gives just an extra touch of spice and effervesence to promote the flavor of the only cola for true refreshment, Wolf Cola: Splash in to the beast.

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