Chef's Flavours Welsh Custard


Percentage Used: 20% WOW! I know, but that was the percentage given for use by Chefs Flavours.


Equipment Used: Troll RDA with a wickless single SS .8 ohm Clapton coil at 20W.


PG/VG: 30/70


Steep Time: 31 Days


Aroma: Vanilla, heavy cream, caramel, custard.


Flavor Description: This is a very heavy, rich, thick custard with great body and mouth feel. Just lightly sweet more like a flan, not as sweet as typical American pudding. First flavor that hits is a rich dark type vanilla. It also has a very smooth yet rich egg custard base that is balanced very well, still allowing the vanilla to stay to the front. Exhale gives me a hint of warm caramel, but a bit more of something? I almost want to say a mild and understated tobacco like a sweet RY4 maybe. Overall a very complex flavor that tastes like it's intended to be a One-Shot. And pulls it off well.


Off Flavors: Tobacco


Throat Hit: 3/10


Pairings: Avoid citrus and heavy fruits. It's already so dense and rich that dark fruits will weigh it down. Coffee, cookies, cakes, cereal, creams, custards, nuts, tobaccos, spices, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg.


Notes: I was a little afraid of this one because of the recommended 20% usage. However, I was pleasantly surprised by the flavor level. It doesn't seem over flavored and is very good. But it's not an ADV for me due to the richness. I can see myself enjoying this for a couple hours though, especially with coffee. However, the smell when vaping is A M A Z I N G! I honestly think this will be much more vapeable in the 10% range and seems to be strong enough to hold up. It will require further testing, but if lowering the percentage helps reduce the richness while still allowing full flavor I can see myself using this more often. Otherwise, it will be a delicious rich custard dessert with my after dinner coffee. In mixes I'm going to try 1-3%.

EDIT: I had a typo in the name in the title. It is actually Chefs Flavours, not Chefs Vapours.

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