Capella Fuji Apple


Setup: Recoil w/ flavor barrel, Dual 15 wrap 26g 3mm Nifethal 70 coils @.14 ohms. 60w power, 450F temp limit. Full Cotton Wicks.

Testing: Capella Fuji @ 2% and 4%, 60/40 VG/PG, Steeped 6 days.

Flavor Description: Tastes pretty much exactly like you'd think Capella making a version Flavourart's Fuji would. Softer than the Flavourart version without a real peel note. Just a touch sweeter. Crispy apple flesh notes are a bit juicier, kind of comes across as slightly mealy. Fairly realistic apple flavor although a little flatter than an actual fuji and closer to a red delicious. Just softer all around, including a little bit less concentrated but also a little less harsh. I'd take advantage of the softness here and use it to add some realistic-ish fruit sweetness and texture to other fruit mixes at around 3%.

Inhale is sweeter apple flesh. Closer to a red apple than a tarter green apple. Nothing too sharp or angular, just a fairly realistic apple sweetness. As /u/hoodratt/ noted, sweetness really picks up with more wattage. Lightly harsh, with a little bit of a sugar lips kind of stickiness. Exhale isn't a whole lot more complicated. Apple flesh. Some lighter grassy notes, but on the sweet, soft side. No real tartness here. Texture is interesting. It has a bit of a grain to it, but overall the softness and some juiciness make it taste a bit mealy. Like a realistic, but still not fantastic, red delicious apple. Sweetness isn't cloying, but it does start to taste a bit flat and artificial at higher percentages. Still not getting a lot of harshness out of this.

Off-flavors: Gets a bit grassy once you push 4% and over. Not really weird for an apple. Sweetness also seems just a little flat and artificial.

Throat Hit: Light, it's there but not too aggressive. Less harsh than FA Fuji.

Uses & Pairings: This doesn't have quite the strong apple punch that FA or JF Fuji have, and it also lacks a really identifiable peel. I think because of this it's not necessarily the Fuji you want to use if you're either trying to work Fuji with heavy flavors, or if you want a standalone apple vape.

It's going to make your juice a bit watery if you're mixing with drier bakeries or creams. It also doesn't really have the apple heft to punch through in those busier, richer mixes like FA Fuji. The lack of a peel note and kind of mealy texture isn't as appealing as the crispness in the JF version for a more realistic take on a realistic apple-forward vape.

I would use this as a backup texture and sweetness component behind other fruits. I could see working to thin out and give some realistic texture to syrupy darker berries, and I think adding this behind something like pineapple or brighter tropical flavors is going to bend the flavor more towards a fruit juice.

Notes: Concentration testing, this isn't as strong as the other Fuji concentrates. I can't taste much at .25, and it's still very weak soft apple at 1%. Just some vague sweetness. 2% is still a bit on weak side for me to taste the actual apple here. Fairly realistic juicy apple flesh, but it doesn't necessarily scream out apple at me. I think it would be hard to find fruits that wouldn't pair with this at 2%. 3% has a bit more texture. Still a lighter appple flavor, but I feel like it does a decent job of emulating just the flesh of a fuji-ish apple. 4% is a bit too textured, with that crispness running into the juiciness and tasting more than a bit mealy. It also seems to be going a bit grassy on me and the sweetness is losing some realism and is starting to taste flat and heavy. 5% is unpleasantly grassy and harsh.

Second Opinions:

Still fairly new, so not a ton of information out there.

This got posted up last week, quick take on the flavor by /u/hoodratt/

ELR is pretty useless thus far.

One quick review on BCF by user "Joshua R." 5 stars saying: "Mixes amazing with watermelon. Capella nailed it."

Here's a vaping underground post where user "rolltidevaper" says "I really like the CA Fuji, most authentic apple (not apple pie) I've found." User "wllmc" goes on to say that "it smells like the FA fuji so I was a little bummed because that one easily takes over but I was pretty surprised by how mellow it is. I definitely could use this as a blender or even by itself..."

Here's the product page from Capella. Their take, "Fuji Apple is juicy, aromatic, yet crisp new Capella Flavor that will leave your tastebuds lingering for more. The refreshing taste of Fuji Apple pairs well with many flavors. Try some of our newest harvest - you won't be disappointed."

DIY_eJuice Flavor Reviews

Bonus link to another over-long youtube video where I vape a bunch on camera and give a rundown on how I think Capella, Flavourart, and Jungle Flavors takes on Fuji differ. If you listen really carefully you can hear the gears in my head spinning while I try to differentiate between 3 largely similar flavors.

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