Capella Fruit Circles SL


Setup: Recoil w/ flavor barrel, Dual 15 wrap 26g 3mm Nifethal 70 coils @.14 ohms. 60w power, 450F temp limit. Full Cotton Wicks.

Testing: CAP SilverLine Fruit Circles, 2 and 5%, 60/40 VG/PG, Steeped 11 days.

Flavor Description: A well balanced dry fruity loops flavor, but a little on the soft side and requiring a fairly high concentration to get a full flavor.

Good balance of the actual fruit here. I'd still say it's a bit citrus forward but the lemon here doesn't go into full on pledge. Actually does a pretty good job of capturing that duller, sweeter version of lemon and lime that the cereal leads with. I do get some more "red" type fruity notes in there that balance out the entirely thing nicely.

I also get some of that drier sugary coating on there. Sweetness level is on point. The taste of the actual cereal base is pretty spot on as well. I get a hint of that cereal maltiness here, not overwhelming, but helps the balance.

There's some actual texture here as well. Feels just a bit softer, but there is some pretty appropriate cereal grain. I wouldn't call it actually crispy or dry, but you can feel some of that malty cereal grain. Definitely a dry cereal flavor, I'm not really picking up anything milky or creamy.

I don't have a huge basis for comparison here. I'm not usually after cereal and when I am I just embrace the cancer and use FW Fruity Flakes. FW Fruity Flakes is quite a bit stronger and has a much more present AP type crunchy base to it, but you know, sugar syrup. Comparing it to TPA Fruit Circles, the SilverLine does have quite a bit less of a lemon nightmare thing going on, so that's cool, although I'd still argue the TPA does a better job with the crunchy part of the cereal.

Off-flavors: Besides the general issues with the softness of this flavor, nothing tastes off.

Throat Hit: Nah.

Percentage testing: At 2% I'm getting some softer lemon accents and just a bare amount of cereal grain taste if not texture. Works okay on the inhale, but the exhale is thinner and soft.

At 5% this is feeling a bit more fleshed out. The lemon is stronger, but still not pledge-ish, and I'm getting more of that red backend. Malt taste is a bit more prominent, and just a bare hint of texture in the vape.

I've tried this higher at 8 and 12%, and I think it works a bit better up there. Flavor doesn't really get bold or vivid, but the texture does fill out a bit more. Still isn't picking up a lemon pledge thing this high. Still more on the soft side, but the texture is probably workable at higher percentages.

Just given these tests, I'd either use this an accent around 5-6%, or a primary note all the way up at 10% or up.

Uses & Pairings: I'm thinking this doesn't quite have the texture to pull off being the only cereal concentrate in a mix for something dry or crunchy. I think using a crunchier cereal like CAP Cereal 27 or TPA Crunch Cereal as a base, then adding in a pretty healthy percentage of this flavor should get you most of the way to a dry fruit loops. Could also work well with the frosted note on a dry fruit loops like FW Fruit Rings, sort of like a meringue which also bumps up the cereal base a bit.

This should also be a pretty good cereal note by itself for a cereal milk type of vape. The softness of the texture isn't going to dry out a milker, creamier concentrate.

If you wanted to get all weird with it, you could also use this as a lighter fruit loops flavor for adding on top of a bakery. People are still doing that, right?

Second Opinions: Still fairly new.

Here's the ELR Page. One note of substance up there by "juice junkie" who writes: "Mixed at 6% and let it steep a week. When I first mixed this and tried a taste of it on my hand I was wondering if 6% was going to be too high. Now, a week later I am vaping this on an Entheon Rda 0.3ohms 32 watts kanthal/nichrome clapton, its a really nice fruity pebble kind of flavor. I see this as a fruity pebble more than a fruit loop kind of flavor. This one has no off taste. I can see adding this to your favorite fruity pebble mix. Much better than tfa fruit circles!"

Shoutout to ceedee99uk for linking reviews from PeegoreVapes in another thread.

Here's the product page from Capella. Their description: "If you love fruity flavors, wait until you taste Silverline’s Fruit Circles. You'll enjoy a crunchy burst of morning fruit blended with a distinctive cream. Fresh milk pouring into a bowl of your favorite cereal - yes please!"

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