FAQ - Mixing by Weight


All ingredients must be USP grade or equivalent.


  • Vegetable glycerin (VG) in dropper bottle
  • Propylene glycol (PG) in dropper bottle
  • Flavors in dropper bottles
  • A recipe as provided by an online calculator like ELR or ATF
  • Scale, 0.01g readability
  • Empty bottle


  • Nicotine in dropper bottle


  1. Line the following bottles up next to your scale: Nicotine, PG, VG, and flavors in the order they are listed on the recipe.
  2. Place the empty bottle on the scale.
  3. Turn the scale on. Wait for it to read a stable zero grams.
  4. For each flavor, find the number of grams you need in the recipe. Add that much flavoring to the bottle. Tare the scale.
  5. If using nicotine, find the number of grams of nicotine you need in the recipe. Add that much nicotine to the empty bottle. Tare the scale.
  6. Find the number of grams of PG you need in the recipe. Add that much PG to the bottle. Tare the scale.
  7. Find the number of grams of VG you need in the recipe. Add that much VG to the bottle.
  8. Turn off the scale. Take the bottle off the scale.
  9. Cap the bottle and shake it thoroughly!


Flavorings must be food-safe, but beyond that there are a variety of food-safe ingredients which should be avoided when making e-liquid. Please check DIY Flavor Safety for more information on flavors to avoid or limit use of.

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